
DigitalOcean Marketplace - Discover and deploy preconfigured one-click applications


DigitalOcean Marketplace is a catalog of ready-to-deploy, preconfigured 1-Click Applications designed to help you build your app, project, and business faster and smarter – tested and approved by the team at DigitalOcean.

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Nice to see DigitalOcean working on things like these that make it easier for anyone to deploy advance applications in a much easier way ✨
Nick Wade
@amrith So glad you're enjoying it so far, thanks from all the shark team here at DigitalOcean 💙🦈
Priansh Shah

I received an email about this yesterday and immediately jumped on. It's awesome to see DO working on amazing products like these. Great to also finally see some competition to AWS marketplace!


Fast and useful!


None so far :)

John Gannon
Thanks, Priansh!
John McKinley
Another smart move by DO to make the lives of developers easier. Will be interesting to see how they expand their offerings in the marketplace.
Nick Wade
@john_mckinley Glad you like it so far! Watch this space – what you see is just the first step :)
Anna Filou
I this the same as what iwantmyname has had for a long time (if not since beginning)?
Nick Wade
@anna_0x While I'm not really sure what that company is up to, marketplaces are nothing new, but this is in fact the first time we've opened up our platform to the partner community to become new vendors of preconfigured apps that are tuned for our systems. VM deployments today, but watch this space :)
Vivek Sancheti
This is pretty awesome. Many bloggers/nontech users where waiting for this! Question: How do you charge for this? Like https://marketplace.digitalocean... you can find preconfigured CPanel droplet but how the license fee will be charged? Any proper answer on it? And how one can make their own droplet and sell via your marketplace?
Nick Wade
@evivz Thanks Vivek, glad you're liking it so far. Today some 1-Click Apps have licenses for the preconfigured application(s) contained within them. As a user you just get that direct from the vendor of the 1-Click App today. As a vendor you can add a license / subscription for your stack in your 1-Click App image. Some vendors –such as Plesk and cPanel– are already doing this today. We plan to make this easier for both users and vendors this year with direct billing via DigitalOcean.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith
Useful!! Thank you
Nick Wade
@katherine_smith1 and thank YOU 💙🦈
Mariana Roberts
Gorkem Cetin
Yay! Countly team is glad to be a partner in this with Digital Ocean!
Nick Wade
@gorkemcetin Your team is great, as is Countly - thanks for joining us early on the ride!
Paul Jarvis
So happy that Fathom Analytics could be part of this! :) https://marketplace.digitalocean...
Đỗ Đại Học
Good job!
Romero Mckay
Is this as easy as using ?
Nick Wade
@helloromero We think it's even easier! But they do have somewhat different use cases. Cloudways is a fully managed service, i.e., you pay them more to manage all your infrastructure. We love Cloudways too!
Oles Trockyy

I think this is a very logical next step for Digital Ocean. Let's see how it plays out.


Fast and nice way to get rolling with Digital Ocean


Maybe a bit too late to the party, compared to what GCP and AWS are doing

Nick Wade
Thanks! And watch this space :)
Kasia Hoffman
Looks awesome! - how can we add ?