TrashMe is a powerful uninstaller for the Mac with other great useful tools. TrashMe removes all the files left behind when you just drag an app to the trash (temporary files, caches, settings…).
@megaroeny Hmm, I'm still skeptical. I had it on my Macbook Pro before and there were forced popups / notifications I couldn't remove via regular means. Getting featured on multiple sites isn't difficult -- it just takes $. I still have files on my laptop from CMM that I can't remove WITHOUT reinstalling CMM and using it again.
@andylima@raymondduke I've never experienced ads or popups before in CleanMyMac, besides the one time prompt to allow the menu helper (which I love). If you're using the trial version, you will get prompted to upgrade if you want to use certain features or clean more than the trial cap lets you.
@riccardoricorl I've been using AppZapper for many years and it also does the same thing. However, it hasn't been updated in forever so looks like I'll be giving AppCleaner a try. Thanks!
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