Paco Sainz

Divergent - Todo list for the time adverse

Divergent is not just another todo list. It allows you to visualize your tasks in an easy way. An app that will help you never forget again! This app is for those people that are very forgetful and hate time blocking using Google Calendar, etc...

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Paco Sainz
I started this project because I've had trouble sticking with traditional to-do apps and their calendar forms. I needed a way to quickly add and visualize my time. I really hate time blocking, and as someone with ADHD, it's very hard to create a schedule because I'll just end up doing nothing. I'm also very forgetful, and get distracted easily, which is why this app allows you to add up to 7 reminders per task!
Sebastian Röhl
Nice, congrats on the launch! Love the app 🙌
Aidar Nugmanoff
Very well designed app, you can see it from all the little details. Congrats, Paco!
Julie Tran Deily
Congrats, Paco! I can't wait to see the new features you have added since I tried it early on!! Huge congrats!!