Mohamed Abdou

Dmail - A privacy focused email provider using Blockchain technology

With big email providers you don't own your data!
- They can sell it to the highest bidder.
- They can keep it when you close your account.
- They can choose to stop the service any time and your data is lost.
Get your privacy back with DMAILS

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Marvin Borisch
Not trying to ruin the mood, but you are violating multiple international trademarks with "dmail". Especially while working with electronical communication. Multiple of these are owned by my former work acquaintance.
Mohamed Abdou
@marvinpoo Thanks for reaching out .. "D" comes from a decentralised" and it is not related to any electronically communication ... it is about email service provider.
Marvin Borisch
@blockcred that's not the point. the trademark is "Dmail" and "dmail", both with and without logo and are secured for digital communication services such as E-Mails.
Robert McAlister

Tracking User Behavior dmail, LLC may keep track of the websites and pages our users visit within dmail, LLC, in order to determine what dmail, LLCservices are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising within dmail, LLC to customers whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area. Automatically Collected Information Information about your computer hardware and software may be automatically collected by dmail, LLC. This information can include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring website addresses. This information is used for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of the dmail, LLC website.


Potentially a decentralized email solution


The privacy policy leaves alot to be desired. they reserve the right to serve ads in your email. I would love an explanation.

Mohamed Abdou
@rmcali2 privacy policy has completely changed to meet the privacy purposes, sorry for any convenience about the old one .. please check the updated one at Thanks
Christopher Lee
Really cool concept, execution will definitely be the hardest part. BTW as a designer, your logo on your site is really low resolution, just some feedback I judge the professionalism of a site by the quality of its design ;)
Mohamed Abdou
@christopher_lee4 Thank you so much ... I believe that any user may evaluate any App from what he sees (UI/UX prospective ) ... and this is very important, in the next phase we will take care more about UI and UX elements, at the first phase the biggest challenge was to proof the possibility of sending and receiving emails with the new concept ...
Christopher Lee
@mabdou No worries! Glad I could help. By the way seeing as you just launched I have a market research service where for $12 you can ask 100 people a question then follow-up based on how they answered and even interview them! You could ask e.g. "Would you ditch gmail for an email service that wasn't owned by a company, and was much more secure and private?" Anyway If you want to give it a shot feel free to sign up and let me know which email you used over Intercom and I'll pass you $12 in free credits. Best of luck otherwise!
Matthew John
Looks like a decent product. However, when you go to sign up and create a new username, you have to skip the step to create a new user id because it says 'unable to check availability'. So it is unable to check if that username is available? Maybe this is how you intended, but that stopped me from signing up right there.. Good luck with it.
Mohamed Abdou
@matthew_john4 Thanks for sharing your feedback. You can goto Click "Continue With Blockstack" and proceed the registration process Let me know if you have any troubles Thanks
Charlie Tomholt

Once it will be completed, a lot of people will depend on it definitely.


Emails totally encrypted & easy to use


Emails are very secured. Need more email features

Jeremy Derrick

This is a great product comes from the future


Secured Emails. Easy to communicate with it


Need different ID formats, it . will enable corporates to use it. Need UI/UX enhancement. Not popular yet.

Denis Shershnev
Congratulations on the lunch @mabdou ! Awesome idea. Good luck!
Mohamed Abdou
Hello Product Hunt, we are so excited to be here We started Dmail with the vision of creating a decentralized email service to help people to keep their privacy. With big email providers, you don't own your data! - They can sell it to the highest bidder. - Their engineers can read your emails. - They can keep it when you close your account. - They can choose to stop the service any time and your data is lost. If you want to control and own your data, Dmail is what you are looking for. What is Dmail? A decentralized email service that puts you in control of your own data. Dmail Features: 1- An identity, not an account: Your emails belong to your identity, not an account that central authorities own and control. 2- Decentralized service: No one can shut the service down. Not even us! 3- Control your data storage: Your emails are encrypted and you decide where to store them. 4- Complete privacy: No one can see your emails except those you allow. 5- Security without a hassle: Easy to use with friendly and fun visual. 6- No more spam: Marketing companies don't have access to your data so they will not spam your inbox. Why use an identity instead of an account? When you create an old fashioned account you are giving away your data to the providers and they can do whatever they want with it. In Dmail, you create an identity which owns all the data and Dmail is just an app you use to perform tasks (send and receive emails) with your data. Beta Version is live NOW Looking forward to hearing your feedback and making Dmail better.
David Grills
@blockcred Creating an account worked for me. Pros: I love the privacy, security, decentralization of this product/service. Cons: You need to build a network of uses who also use this service. You cannot email just anyone. I look forward to further developments. Good luck!
Mohamed Abdou
@david_grills Thank you so much ... yes you are absolutely right .. and this is why we came here on product hunt ... to let the community knows about it and go bigger ... Thanks again for your support
Wow, it's really cool! Congrats!
Adam Andersen
One of the best, I am so excited to try it with full functionality.
Mohamed Abdou
@adamandersen Thank you .. with the great feedback, we will go live with the full functionality soon.
Thomas Brownlee
I liked the privacy in this, but why I didn’t see reply option in the email I got?
Mohamed Abdou
@thomasbrownlee Thanks for testing the service, reply option will be available on the next release ... stay tuned
Kyle Kurr Rebman
This product is gonna boom exponentially, Good job.
Joshua Granath
I am not too much expert in this, but I liked the idea of decentralization, I liked the concept of no one can access my private emails. Keep going
Jennifer Williams
I love it. I have been looking forward to a blockchain based email provider for a long time. I can't wait to try this one out.
Wow this is cool. I had never thought of using blockchain technology with email. It makes total sense though. Great work!
Fadi Abdelqader
great idea but there are two problems should be solved before launching the first one is the ability to send to any normal email address the second is to have a normal address so we can receive emails from any other email services so it must be compatible with current emails systems. take IPv4 and IPv6 as an example. good luck
Ahmed Ali
it's revolutionary product
Rapha Sierra
I wasn't able to send emails to normal @ addresses. I created a dmail personal account, using a password and without my BlockStack Id. Now, I am not able to login using only the dmail personal account. Please kindly advise.
Mohamed Abdou
@rapha_sierra once you created your Dmails ID .. you need to wait up to 24 hours for your ID to be propagated into the network, please try to login again with your dmails ID ... if you still facing any issue, please send us a full details with some screenshots so we can help you ... Email us at ...Thanks
Rapha Sierra
@dmail @mabdou question: why do you require your own login identification to send normal emails? why isn't Blockstack's enough? Thank you, I'll try again today.
Mohamed Abdou
@dmail @rapha_sierra sending to normal emails is a feature of the personal account, you can use Dmail with full features with your blockstack ID, but you need to use the account type (personal) to be able to send to normal emails, personal account based on Dmail IDs which is built using blockstack BNS , so, your Dmail ID will be ... you can create it easily from our portal ... please refer to our documentations
Mohamed Abdou
Thanks for everyone started to use our product .., your feedback is highly appreciate
J Ellena
Great job. I have to check it out