Dock is a collaborative workspace for prospects and customers. Dock makes it easy to set up digital sales rooms, onboarding checklists, client portals and project hubs.
congrats @alex_kracov! been using Dock for about six months and it fills a very important need for our marketplace. we use it to handle onboarding as well as ongoing communication about the plans, tasks, etc. really useful product that's getting better all the time.
The product is full of little big details that make the overall experience a delight. Bravo @lucchaissac, keep up your great work, and kudos on the launch π
π Hello everyone, Iβm Luc, one of the co-founders of Dock along with @alex_kracov and @vkmita β¨ Very excited about the launch. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, feedbacks and what you end up building with Dock π
Just signed up for our free trial and encouraging the team to check it out and try it out! Congrats @alex_kracov! Been following your newsletter which is how I found out about Dock : )
Hi Product Hunt! I head the engineering effort here at Dock. It's been a really great experience working with such a talented product team: @alex_kracov@lucchaissac@thebedroomprogrammer@segun_os.
We're always looking for more talented engineers to join the team. Don't hesitate to reach out if you're interested or know somebody who might be!