Zenifer is a creative and modern responsive html5 portfolio template. It is built for developer, business, blogger. It is a very powerful, clean and cross-browser supported template.
Theme Details
Zenifer is a creative and modern responsive html5 portfolio template. It is built for developer, business, blogger. It is a very powerful, clean and cross-browser supported template. It is built with stunning design only to full fill your demand and other parts and homepages and coming. Zenifer has 24+ pages and dropdown menu, mobile-friendly design and clean codes.
Features of Zenifer:
Responsive Design
Clean design
Responsive video
Compatible with modern browsers
Regular updates and lifetime free updates
Right, left and no sidebar
Fast support
Well documentation
Sticky, Transparent and non-sticky menu
Minimal design
Vector Map
Sass files included
CSS Animations
Bootstrap framework
Filterable Portfolio
YouTube & Vimeo Videos
Portfolio Masonry
Clean and commented code
Contact Form
Parallax Sections
Easy to Customize
Touch Slider
Free Google Web Fonts
Free Icon Fonts
Extended Documentation
And Much More…
Pages of Zenifer:
About Page
Case studies
Case studies single
Team Single
Service Single
News Grid
News with right sidebar
News with left sidebar
News with no sidebar
News Single
Fixed Navbar
No Fixed Navbar
Transparent Navbar
Header background
Header with color
N.B. Your feedback will help us to create a new innovation.