Denys Zhadanov

Documents 6 - A mobile hub for all your files.

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Denys Zhadanov
Hi guys, 9 years ago we launched our first app, ReaddleDocs, the same day App Store was born. ReaddleDocs became Documents, and it is now a central hub (aka Finder) for millions of people. Today we take it to the next level. Two major news today: 1. Documents 6 brings Finder-like experience to iOS with all the new bells and whistles. 2. Drag and drop between apps on iPad is available (for Readdle apps). Today we are releasing Documents 6, a major update to already popular file management app. The all-new Documents brings you Finder experience on iOS and becomes the hub of all your files on iPhone and iPad. Enjoy the all-new design, better file management, music and video streaming and much more. Documents serves as: - fast file viewer - music and video player - PDF reader and annotator - integrator of all cloud services in one place - file downloader from the Web (using a built-in browser) If you work with files, listen to music, watch videos or read books - Documents app is perfect for you. And yes, it's free. And one more thing: **DRAG AND DROP FILES between apps on iPad is now available!** For the first time ever, we made it possible to Drag and Drop files on iPad between Readdle popular productivity apps - Documents, PDF Expert, Scanner Pro and Spark. Video of Drag and Drop: 
Apple hasn’t introduced a way for those two applications to interact, but this didn’t stop us from finding a way to make cross-app drag & drop work. The fact that we have an ecosystem of productivity apps with millions of users makes it possible for us to create this for seamless experiences of our users. We believe that this is the way inter-app communication should’ve been done on iOS since the very beginning of iPad. There are dozens of scenarios of how users can have a stellar experience with iPad using inter-app Drag & Drop. Here are some examples for Readdle apps: • Quickly attach scans and files to emails (Scanner Pro + Spark) • Intuitively copy files from one app to another (Scanner Pro + PDF Expert) • Easily sign and edit document attachments and send them back (Spark + PDF Expert) • Attach multiple files to email from various sources (Spark + Documents) I think you guys will like what we've done at Readdle here. I'll be glad to hear your thoughts and feedback.
@denzhadanov it's called 'Documents 6' or 'Finder for iOS'? RE: "Documents 6 becomes Finder for iOS"
Denys Zhadanov
@rynebraun Documents 6. It brings Finder like experience. Will fix that, thank you!
Pavlo Pedenko
Wow! That is game changing for the whole platform experience. Finally, there is a reason to buy an iPad.
Alex White
Oh wow, that's incredibly cool! Would be amazing to see a library made available that let 3rd-party apps interact with ReaddleDocs apps the same way.
Steven Law