'NFT Backup' is a feature built on Dolpin's decentralised storage service to automatically 'pin' your valuable NFTs on IPFS. This ensures permanence, stability, and security over your assets.
PSA: NFTs aren't stored on a blockchain. They're stored on typical hosting services like AWS, and rely on the company continually paying for the service / the service running at all.
This means, your NFT assets aren't here forever. This is where IPFS innovates with the concept of 'pinning' i.e. uploading it on a peer-to-peer system for perpetuity. But truth be told, this is a pretty technical process. That's why we launched Dolpin on Product Hunt almost a year ago.
A year later, and we're still building. NFT-Backup is a one-click button to scan & backup (pin) your NFT assets on IPFS via Dolpin. Whatever happens to the project, your asset is secure!