
Startups vs. Freelance Developers - 1st ever report on how and why startups hire freelance devs

We’ve surveyed 300+ businesses to solve the biggest mysteries of remote hiring: which hourly rates are ok for junior and senior devs? What are the best countries to outsource to? How to hire top freelancers? 130+ pages, employers' POV, lots of fun stats.

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Ksenia Larina (she/her)
@volodarik thanks for the opportunity to work on crazy projects like this one :D
Shveda Lyapochckina
this is awesome. I will definetely need this info in one of my email campaigns, thanks!
Elena Fabrykant
@shveda_lyapochckina yay, happy to hear that :)
Ksenia Larina (she/her)
Hey hunters! So, this report is a love child of a freelance platform for vetted freelancers (Lemon.io) and a content team (that would be me and my amazing colleagues who did most of the work) that’s been failing to find any cool stats on freelancing from employers’ POV. In this 130-pager you’ll tons of data on why startups decide to hire (or not to hire) offshore freelance developers, which countries they prefer to outsource to, which factors influence their decisions regarding which freelancers to hire, which tasks they don’t trust to freelancers and why, and what are the key ingredients of a positive collaboration with freelancers. Oh, and yeah — we’ve asked business about what rates they’d be willing to pay developers depending on their experience, so if you need a reference — you’ll find it in this report. We hope this report is going to come in handy for all the fellow content creators as well as everyone who’s trying to make up their mind (or their team’s minds) on whether they should or should not hire freelance developers. The report is completely free to download, no email walls too. All feedback, suggestions and questions are welcomed!
Myroslava Domanitska
From a freelancer's side, I find it really useful to read the findings! This info unfortunately always remains unpublished and not known to the general public.
Tania Ilutsa
@myroslava_domanitska Thanks! that's exactly what we wanted to achieve - some clarity about hiring freelancers from the employer's perspective ;)
Olha Denesiuk
The report looks fantastic, guys, you're the professionals 🙌👏
Karim M.
Thanks for the amazing report 😍 !
@kay_larina Great report - thanks for this. Some amazing insights that these stats give.. oh yes.. love the design! cheers!
Martin Galovic
jeez, your design is amazing. Gj @aaz127 & @olenko_kucher
Alexey Myronenko
Thanks for the insightful report, appreciate the transparency!
Alex Chist
Awesome share, thanks
Gobi Dasu
This is really exciting and congratulations! I looked through the PDF and I learned a lot already about others' experience hiring freelancers. I looked through and didn't find the citations of the people who provided the data -- could you please point us to that? At least the ones who said they wanted to be cited and prefer not to be anonymous, that is. I would love to have conversations with those people. Thanks so much!