Hey Product Hunt! We use precise location tracking to make your smartphone’s notifications intelligent and contextual. I’m really excited to be here. We just launched on Kickstarter:
We like you guys so much that we are making a Limited Edition Product Hunt White Dot. If you end up grabbing a Dot, just email promotion@doteverything.co and tell us if you want your order to be white. We are really passionate about contextual computing, so ask us anything!
@kunal_chaudhary@doteveryting This is really very cool! I was a backer of Flic.io, but love that this does not require any physical interaction. I could set the DOT to notify me when my son enters the house after school. I am assuming the user receiving the notification must be paired with the DOT? Also I did send an email to the email you listed and it came back as being unable to be delivered.
@andrewjb44@doteveryting Hey AJB, One of the reasons we made Dot was the reason you listed. That's a fantastic use case. One of the cool aspects of Bluetooth 4.0 is that we can perform actions simply by walking into range. The user receiving the notification must be paired with a Dot, but with Bluetooth 4.0, this process happens in less than .5s. I apologize for that. There was a typo in our email. It should be fixed now!
@kunal_chaudhary@doteveryting That makes sense. Who ever is running your Twitter just wrote "The phones don't need to be paired with Bluetooth 4.0, simply in range." What does this mean? I assume that the Dot isn't actually connected to the Internet and needs a connected device like a phone or a tablet to send the notification. My guess if I am receiving a text message than I do not have to have any companion app or be connected to the Dot, but for the device to work it must be.
@andrewjb44@doteveryting Yea sorry, we misunderstood your question on Twitter. Dot isn't connected to the internet directly. It does need a connected device to send the notification. So say you had two people using 1 Dot. When your son enters the house, his app will recognize his presence in that area and then communicate with the app on your phone.
The upcoming Dot is something worth checking out. They are using beacons to add real world context to your smartphone. If your phone can accurately track where you are and have some sense of what you’re doing throughout your day, then you can program it to send you intelligent and relevant information or better yet, it'll happen automatically. Dot has the potential to make your home and / or office that much more techy!
Amazing application of Beacons! But I'm curious, what's the 'reverse range' on this? I mean, can you specify that u only want a notification when you're within 15ft for ex?
@sandrojazzar You can definitely specify that you only want a notification within 15 ft. We've designed it so that you can specify the exact range you want something to trigger away from the Dot. In practice, this is has been pretty accurate with a standard margin of a couple inches to 1 or 2 feet.
Awesome Product !! It will be like a location based digital reminder .Proper usage of Push Notification API .What are you thinking about pricing model of this product ?
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