Anvisha Pai

Great Rejection Emails by Dover - 36 thoughtful rejection emails from top companies.


Rejecting talented applicants is tough. We've found and compiled the most shared rejection letters on the internet from great companies like Apple, Google, BCG & YC. Some candidates have even called these "the best rejection letter" they'd ever received.

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Anvisha Pai
👋 Hi, Product Hunt! I'm Anvisha, cofounder at Dover and one of the creators of the Great Rejection Emails E-booklet. Why did we make this? It's never easy to reject someone, especially during a pandemic, which has left 30+ million Americans without a job. 🦠📉 At Dover, we're helping customers find & engage the best people for their team. After working with 60+ companies, we saw that some of them skipped sending rejection notes altogether to save time and angst. 📝 But with candidates feeling vulnerable, it's more important than ever to run a tight ship with hiring. Rejection may be tough, but radio silence is worse. 👻 Ghosting is a sure fire way to hurt your brand and leave candidates with a bad impression of your company. 😓 At Dover, we searched the internet high & low to find rejection letter examples from great companies like Google, Apple & BCG. 🏆 We put them all into a booklet for hiring managers to reference when they need help finding the right words to say. Some candidates have even shared these emails as "the best rejection letters" they'd ever received. 💌
Devanand Premkumar
@anvishapai Nice an effort and really appreciate the thought process that has gone into this. Human angle is always powerful and you never know how it will circle back. Being considerate to others is highly valuable. My hats off to the person who initially thought about this and made this happen :)
Lucas Glenn
I'd love to see a template that helps applicants reject offers in a graceful way.
Max Kolysh
@lucaswglenn this was one of our other ideas :) maybe soon!
Victor Iryniuk
This is gold! Great collection :)
Henry Dobson
So many bad memories. Just kidding! These are golden, haha!
Anvisha Pai
@henry_dobson hah if those companies had used these templates, maybe the bad memories wouldn't be as bad!
Daan Bakker
This is very helpful! Thanks! Sadly the modern business world requires you to pick words with extreme care and often hide the truth, because of that 1 out of 100 which can make decent damage to you and your company...
Anvisha Pai
@gladio_rocks agreed- if it were up to me I'd share a lot of feedback with candidates each time but it's a fine line. we curated these templates b/c they actually are a healthy middle between compliance and being a good candidate experience
Andy Berman
This is super helpful!
Younghwi Cho
What an epic niche idea!!!! I have also been collecting/categorising kinda good email content so that I can benchmark later on. Rejection mail is always the toughest one cause it hurts people. These are some random idea that suddenly popped up in my mind inspired by this product. - Great Cold Emails - Great Meet Up Emails (to schedule a zoom call or a meeting) - Great VC Emails (to contact or have a convo with VCs) - Great Opening/Closing Emails (some clever sentences to begin/close of the email) ... What an epic approach anyway!! Thanks for this interesting product :D
Henrik Berggren
Anvisha Pai
@henrikberggren thank you!
Lindsey Tropf
Nice. We work to communicate well during our interview/hiring process and we get so many surprised responses about how of 100+ jobs we are the only ones to like... tell them a timeline or where they are in the process, etc. Definitely gain fans and goodwill that way.