
Dovetail 2 - The best way to analyze user research and customer feedback


Dovetail is designed specifically for researchers, product managers, and UX designers. Stay on top of your research data like interview transcripts, user testing observations, NPS feedback, personas, diary study responses, and more. Analyze data collaboratively, share insights with your team, and store knowledge for rediscovery later.

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Benjamin Humphrey
Hey Product Hunt! We're back with Dovetail 2, a brand new experience designed specifically for researchers, product managers, and UX designers to stay on top of their research data. Rapidly take notes or paste content from elsewhere. Add tags as annotations when you identify themes across multiple pieces of data. Write about your insights, group everything together in a project, and share it all with your team. Dovetail is great for working with interview transcripts, user testing observations, NPS feedback, diary study responses, and creating personas. I wrote a series of five articles about going from nothing to something if you're interested in our journey. The posts cover discovering the idea, building our MVP, finding a co-founder, decided on a pricing model, pivoting, and more. Read the series here: We also have a public roadmap:
Raphaël Chabaud
The UI is very clean and neat. But I wonder what is the added value compared to a Google Docs or a Dropbox Paper ?
Benjamin Humphrey
@raphchabaud Hey Raphael, thanks for the question! With Dovetail you can add tags to text and then see all the tagged text across multiple notes. This allows you to see patterns, categorise, and quantify unstructured data. Google Docs and Dropbox Paper do not allow you to create relationships across multiple docs because they're not built for analysis. For example, if you had a set of user testing notes, you could tag "pain point" when people run into issues. Then, later, you can see all pain points across all testing sessions and break them into more specific tags like "navigation difficulty" or "shopping cart". It's sort of what you do with sticky notes, but digital. The technical term for it is ‘computer-assisted qualitative data analysis’ but that's a bit of a mouthful :)
Benjamin Humphrey
@raphchabaud No worries! Thanks for checking us out.
Dre Durr💡
Dope 🚬🚬 If Researchers, PM, and UX Designers are your target market. Which one gets the most value from your product?
Benjamin Humphrey
@dredurr Hey Deandre – definitely researchers right now. We built the qualitative analysis features first so researchers can add tags (‘codes’) to identify themes across different pieces of content. When we have more integrations to automatically collect user feedback data, and analyse it using some machine learning (working on that at the moment!) then I think product managers and designers will get a lot of value because it'll help them scale. Thanks for your question!
Pascal Wicht
Hi Benjamin, Are you thinking about the ability to add multiple tags to the same data? When something a participant said deeply matters in 2 important topics for example.
Benjamin Humphrey
@p45c4l Hey Pascal – I answered your question over email but I'll reply here too so others can see. You can currently add as many annotations as you like to the same piece of text. There's no limit there.
Pascal Wicht
@humphreybc yes! thanks again for the great support. Been a week in the paid version and I am not going back to stickies or Google Doc!
Taylor Crane
This is a great idea. For my user research though, I use a spreadsheet where each user is a different column. This way, I can very quickly see how different users answer the same question/task without having to switch documents. Food for thought.
Benjamin Humphrey
@taykcrane Thanks for the comment, Taylor!
James Gentes
Took a look, but for that price has a far better feature set.
Benjamin Humphrey
@jgentes Hey James, thanks for your comment! I can't speak to productboard's features because I haven't used it yet, but I can tell you about us. Brad and I built what you see here in only 8 weeks so we've got a lot more features planned. Our price point is fixed at $99 / month for unlimited projects, users, and usage, which makes us a lot cheaper than similar tools who charge per user or have annual lock-in contracts.
Benjamin Humphrey
@jgentes Hey James, this week we decided to drop the price of Dovetail to $29.00 / month. A few other people have given us feedback about the price, and after thinking some more, we realised we just don't have the features yet to charge $99 / month. We also have some mint features on the roadmap for the next couple of weeks including Zapier integration, automated sentiment analysis, and image support. So perhaps you'll reconsider us!
Jeff Mohr
Love the ability to do automatic transcripts of video interviews, and then easily tag those transcripts making it possible to quickly jump to a section of a long video. Essential for keeping an interviewees actual words / feelings / emotions front and center.