David Archivarix

Archivarix - Online Website Downloader. Wayback Machine Downloader.


Archivarix is a free opensource CMS combined with an online website downloader and a wayback rebuilder. With our system you can restore any website from The Wayback Machine (web.archive.org) exactly like it was. Or you can download an existing website and get it in a zip file.

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David Archivarix
https://en.archivarix.com/ - Is an online wayback machine downloader, website downloader, and CMS converter. It works very simply: --> just enter website URL --> download options --> your e-mail and wait a little bit. Content can be downloaded from the system in a zip file and installed on your server. For content management, we have developed a free Open Source CMS - It is one small PHP file and does not require any installation or database. See more detail about CMS here - https://en.archivarix.com/cms/ What's the purpose of it? Firstly - to create your PBN with the unique content found on the Web Archive. When parsing the site, you can set the parameters necessary for the normal use of content as a source of traffic and links. Such as deleting all external links and clickable contacts, removing counters, advertising, and analytics, optimizing HTML code and images. Thanks to the Archivarix CMS, you can easily manage, search and replace, edit the site with the WYSIWYG editor, insert your own TDS scripts. It is also possible to work together with any other CMS, for example, Wordpress on the same domain.​ Secondly, the system can be used to convert websites created in another CMS or in static HTML to Archivarix CMS. It is also possible to remove all external scripts, counters, and advertisements (for example, if the site was on a free hosting).
Nikita Knaub
I used this service and had postive experience - i downloaded a site and install it's in my server. It was easy and quickly. The support of service is the best! @user