Shah Galeeb Ahmed

Download More Crypto - Instantly increase your ETH balance

Download More Crypto partners with large staking pools to run MEV and arbitrage a desired amount of ETH into your wallet. JK, this is a joke website. This is the "Download More RAM" of the crypto era.

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Shah Galeeb Ahmed
Hello Product Hunt! 🚀 Get ready for the fastest way to increase the balance of your ETH wallet. jk, this is a joke site that hopes to be the "Download More Ram" of the crypto era. But what does that mean? Way back when I spent a lot of time on gaming and tech forums, there were a lot of internet newbies who didn't know the difference between hardware and software. And they would ask questions like "how do I get more RAM for this game?" The trolls of the forums would tell them to "download more RAM," and so was born. Nowadays, the new internet newbie is the crypto newbie, and the spirit must live on! And so, I built A simple joke website that makes pretends to give you a bunch of free ETH. I think it's pretty funny, but would love to hear what you think! 👋
Shah Galeeb Ahmed
easter egg: the fake burner wallet used in the site is actually the address of one of Vitalik Buterin's wallets
Eric Lu
this is such a throwback, i love it! congrats on the launch.
Hahahahahhahha 👏😂
Shah Galeeb Ahmed
@ankit_sparks 😏 thanks for checking it out!
Naveed Rehman
Keep up the good work 😎. Congratulations on the launch 🚀. This is super helpful! Please keep us updated ❤️. If you need feedback on any specific item (e.g. landing page, design, functionality, etc.), feel free to get in touch on my Twitter or LinkedIn.
Satyajit Chaudhary
Whatttttttttttttttttttt ;) Sharing this with my friends :)
Charles Naut
A new classic!