Peter Andrew Boyce II

Downtyme 2.0 - Match schedules and make plans with nearby friends

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Luke Sorenson
Hey! I'm Luke, co-founder of Downtyme. I'm excited to be launching version 2.0 of our mobile app here on Product Hunt. We really believe Downtyme is a completely unique and powerful social application that brings people together unlike any other app out there. I'm happy to answer any questions about the product! A quick overview of the app: Downtyme allows you to match schedules and make plans with nearby friends. It’s the fastest, most convenient way to get together with friends in your free time. Here’s how it works: 1) Sync your calendar or enter your typical weekly schedule. Downtyme only uses your availability and your schedule is never shared directly with anyone, so your privacy is maintained. 2) Select a time & Downtyme shows you which friends are mutually available, sorted by location and relationship to you. 3) Tap on the friends (or groups) that you’d like to hang out with, and they’ll be notified instantly. Specify details like where’d you like to meet up and what you’d like to do. 4) View your upcoming plans and instantly message with plan-goers to work out the remaining details. If you’re feeling that Downtyme is too effective for bringing people together and you need some alone time, just flip the “Hidden” switch and become invisible.