Joe Walnes

Draft - Easy version control and collaboration for writers


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Joe Walnes
Draft has been described as GitHub for writers. I love it. Rather than sending out emails and trying to collate the edits by hand, or dealing with the free-for-all of Google Docs, it gives you a controlled way to view and merge changes. A cool new feature of Draft is the ability to quickly create full screen presentations from markdown. Simple, effective and to the point. Example: I is fan.
Ryan Hoover
I love love love Draft and use it almost every day. Unfortunately, this was posted very early on Product Hunt here: Our dupe check should cover these going forward.
Ryan Hoover
Feel free to jump into the original comment thread though, Joe!
Joe Walnes
I reposted it because of the new presentations feature they just launched. Are reposts for new features not cool?
Ryan Hoover
Oh, honestly I missed that in this morning's flurry. Been hectic lately, tbh. This is really neat and worthy of a repost. In the future it would be useful to mention the update in the title or description (e.g. Draft Presentations). Really sorry but atm, I don't have access to unhide or edit the title. Do you want to repost w/ this link to the blog update announcement and add a link to in related links?
Joe Walnes
I'll repost tomorrow :)
Ryan Hoover
Good call. Thanks :)