Zach Robinson

Drafted Intros for Chrome - Warm introductions for candidate sourcing

Drafted Intros for Chrome lets you request an introduction to any candidate in your company's network seamlessly.

✅See who's already in your company network

✅Get an introduction made over email

✅Spend more time talking and less time waiting for a response

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Zach Robinson
We built this tool for the power sourcers out there so that you can better increase your outreach efforts with the power of a warm introduction.
Julie Lungaro
Just downloaded and really excited to try it!
Phạm Long
Jessica Meher
This is awesome. Can’t wait to use it!
Andy Cook
I can't wait to give this a go. In fact, I'm going to do that right now.
Thanh Chi
cool product!
Kristen Craft
This is awesome! We use Drafted with Slack, so we're super excited to try this out. Congrats!
Nguyễn Sơn
Nice product !!!!!!
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
Very cool.. maybe partner with Crystal Knows (@CrystalKnowsMe on Twitter) to go beyond just LI? I can see this for your social networks too, and doesn't need to be solely for recruiting. For example, I'm organizing a women's network of public boardseat holders in California, and I would completely benefit from this. Thank you for creating this and congrats on the launch!
Lachlan Kirkwood
A great way to build more authentic networks, can't wait to try this!