Vinayak Ranade

Layoff Network by Drafted - Nominate friends affected by COVID layoffs

Nominate friends affected by layoffs to get them hired

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Andy Cook
Layoff Network is such a good resource for people who have been unfortunately affected by the current crisis. Vinayak and the Drafted team have been working on helping people who are laid off find jobs for a long time now via Layoff List. They even were mentioned in the New York Times last week about it: This next iteration is needed now more than ever. Great work helping others in need, Team Drafted!
Vinayak Ranade
@andygcook thanks so much Andy! We're sprinting to keep up with the changing times like everyone else - and we've been excited to see the response especially from hiring companies that are rallying to help out - including a lot of big-cos that I probably can't say here because I don't have approval from their mktg teams yet :)
Vinayak Ranade
Our team at Drafted launched the Layoff List project right here on Product Hunt back in 2019. When the COVID related layoffs started, we got a huge influx of requests from both companies looking to help their departing employees and also recruiters who wanted to connect with the same talent. It was almost immediately clear that a mailing list and spreadsheets were not going to be enough for the scale of what is happening. Everyone has to be working on this together, we need to elevate the people who's companies are having a tough time. Our team of makers has spent the last week pulling all nighters to get Layoff Network out the door as fast as possible. It might be a bit rough around the edges, but we'd love any suggestions for how to make this more useful in the days to come.
Thank you so much! My previous company had an RIF of about 15% of the entire company :( Luckily a lot of them joined this and were nominated. I think one of them already has an interview set up!
Jonathan Kim
Yet another example of the Drafted team's commitment to helping good people find fulfilling work. Great idea and awesome execution. This is what LinkedIn had the potential to do before they became yet another news feed. Keep going!
Vinayak Ranade
@hijonathan Thanks for the kind words - we're singularly focused on making more intros happen where it matters 💪
Kunal Bhatia
This is an awesome initiative, Drafted team! I've been following the Layoff List since launch and used the Layoff Network to nominate a few friends who've been impacted. I've already been asked for an introduction to one of my nominees from last week. Can see this making a huge impact in getting people back to work. Glad you took the speed over polish route!
Vinayak Ranade
@kunalslab that's awesome to hear. Please let us know polish items as well as feature suggestions :D
Rachel Klausner
This is awesome. Kudos to the Drafted team for making these much needed connections!
Vinayak Ranade
@rachelklausner Thanks Rachel! we're already seeing a bunch of intros being made in real time
James White
It's a super fast way to get back to work during the crazy disruption our workforce is going through right now. Very simple and easy to get on the job market again.
Mike Volpe
Perfect product for these uncertain times.
I nominated someone, I've already got two quality inquiries about him!
Vinayak Ranade
@agentbillo1 awesome! It's very satisfying to hear about connections being made :)
Thariq Shihipar
This is great! I was literally thinking about how much talent there is out there now that we could be looking to hire and wasn't sure where to start looking. Can't wait to get using it.
Vinayak Ranade
@trq__ please do! we're counting on you :)
Waikit Lau
This is awesome by Drafted! I have always been a fan of what they do. This Layoff Network is so sorely needed right now, both by employees and companies that are still growing. Kudos!
Vinayak Ranade
@waikit 🤘thanks for your support along our journey!
Brian Kalma
This is great!!!