Alexandr Materukhin

Try Beta of DreamCatcher project - AI-powered solution to combat insomnia and PTSD

DreamCatcher - AI powered project made to combat insomnia and consequences of post-traumatic syndrome.

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Alexandr Materukhin
Hello dear Hunters, Today we launch our DreamCatcher project It is an AI powered project made to combat insomnia and consequences of post-traumatic syndrome. Do you know that, according to statistics, from 15 to 30 percent of the world's population suffers from chronic insomnia? This is 1-2 billion people. And according to forecasts, this figure will only grow. Also, about 8% of the inhabitants of our planet, or about half a billion people, experience post-traumatic stress syndrome from a large number of socio-political cataclysms (wars, revolutions, riots). All of them are our potential clients. Our company is developing a digital health product - a unique software package (program, mobile application, wearable device) to combat insomnia and the consequences of post-traumatic syndrome. We believe that our product will help almost 30% of the world's population get rid of insomnia and nightmares caused by post-traumatic stress disorder. Our mission and goal is to make all these people happier and healthier.