DuckDuckGo’s fully revamped browser extension and mobile app now offers built-in tracker network blocking, smarter encryption, and private search in one package – all designed to operate seamlessly as you search and browse the web. The updated app and extension are available across all major platforms – Firefox, Safari, Chrome, iOS, and Android.
The bangs like "!m Bangkok" leading to Google maps or "!inwx" leading you to the result pages of different searches or services are awesome
Pros:!bangs are awesome, privacy for the win
Cons:Results sometimes are a little outdated or not 100% relevant.
DuckDuckgo has created a great product. However, I think the solution to online privacy is a greater adoption of privacy practices by the top websites.
Pros:Makes me more conscious of data privacy online
Cons:I wouldn't call the user experience great...yet.
Use DuckDuckGo. Use !bangs.
Pros:Isn't Google.
Cons:Is still a centralized reputation system, which (theoretically) allows for censure.
DuckDuckGo continues to make strides in the privacy space. They do a phenomenal job of educating users as well through their nurture tracks in regard to tangential best privacy practices such as VPNs and passwords.
Pros:Simple, easy to use, no friction in setting up, less cluttered results page.
Cons:Search algorithm is still catching up to Google.