Jacqueline von Tesmar

Duet Display For iPad Pro - Re-Engineered for unbelievable performance

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Rahul Dewan
EDIT =========== Thanks everyone for supporting duet and Product Hunt for building such an amazing community! I am honored to say we were nominated for Mac app of the year for Product Hunt! Check it out here! https://www.producthunt.com/tech... Hey Product Hunters, I'm Rahul Dewan, and last year I created Duet Display to help power users get more out of their iPad by turning it into an extra display for your Mac. Over the past year, we have worked hard to make it available to more people by optimizing performance and adding Windows support. And now, I'm happy to announce support for the massive iPad Pro. What's New? =============== * iPad Pro Support - The iPad Pro's huge screen boasts 80% more surface area (about the size of a laptop screen), which makes it an incredibly compelling extra display. * Performance - Last year, our most common complaint was high CPU usage. So, we engineered an algorithm with intelligent refresh, reducing CPU by nearly 80% on all iPads, Macs, and PCs. This means a smoother experience for everyone. * Energy Impact - Furthermore we cut the energy requirements of Duet by half, so that you can work anywhere for longer. * Showcasing Duet around the world - The work our customers create with Duet is what drives us to keep improving the product everyday. So, we wanted to show how creators are using Duet in their workflow and life. It took a lot of planning and coordination, but we were lucky to work with some really smart people and it was an incredible experience to shoot. Check above in the media section, and let us know what you think!
I've been following Duet ever since they blew up this time last year. When I saw the iPad Pro was announced I knew it was going to be a game changer for Duet. The new size makes it a perfect second screen and I'm personally very excited to make the switch away from my monitor. I've watched the team hustle hard over the last few weeks / months to make sure compatibility is perfect and I'm really impressed at how quick they've done it! Overall it appears that Duet is running faster across the board so a huge well done guys! P.S. The new ad is STUNNING.
Mason Hastie
@wlakhani Thanks for the support Waleed! We agree, the iPad Pro really amplifies the Duet experience.
Benjamin Earl Evans
Dam, that ad is stunning.
Zac Davies
Works surprisingly great on my iPad Pro and mid-2012 MBA, highly recommended - love this app. I was even able to watch movies, in perfect frame rate. I expected at least a little buffering, but worked fine.
Rahul Dewan
@zacdavies Thanks so much for the compliment! Glad it's working for you.
Matt Galligan
Any plans to support 1366x1024 at HiDPI? I'd love to see my iPad Pro be another retina display at native resolution.
Mason Hastie
@mg Yes. Since the iPad Pro supports USB 3 speeds, we're waiting for compatible Lightning cables to be released. USB 3 is 10X faster than current cables and will greatly simplify bringing the iPad Pro's massive resolution to Duet users.
Ryan J A Murphy
I first bought Duet when it was hyped at launch last year and tried to use it on an MacBook Air and iPad Mini (first-gen) – suffice to say I kinda regretted the purchase. Since upgrading to an iPad Pro and MacBook Pro, however (it's been a good year) I'm thoroughly impressed. Hoping to make use of this regularly. That said, don't expect it to work just like an external monitor – once in a while there'll be a little lag or graphical glitches (depending on the apps you're running). For the most part, however, it's a seamless experience (to my mind an almost physical-law-defying feat for the team behind it)!
Rahul Dewan
@ryanjamurphy Haha thanks for the kind words, and I'm sorry about the initial issues. We were overwhelmed by the response to say the least, and a couple of the older iPads had some issues we should have foreseen. But we did spend the whole Winter break working on it, and with all of the improvements over the year, it should now run smoothly even on the iPad Mini 1 :)
Hugo Müller-Downing
Duet Display has become an integral part of my day-to-day usage, it's great having a portable second screen when I'm referring to notes. This is a must-have for anyone who does a lot of work on the go.
Nick Sloggett
Can anyone confirm/deny that isn't nearly the resource consumer it once was?
Pierre Lechelle
That's awesome. Any idea of when this is coming out for Android?
Rahul Dewan
@pierrelechelle We've certainly thought about it, but we still have a lot of work on iOS to do!
Hunter Gray
I used to use iDisplay and later moved to Avatron's Air Display that do much of the same functionality. Looks like Duet Display has been updated more recently and features better performance. Time to test drive!
Irving Torres
Super neat. I think this paired with Astropad is the PERFECT combo to supercharge the iPad Pro. It's the factor that convinced me to get one as a designer as well. PHENOMENAL. Honestly.
Ghost Kitty
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Ufuk Kayserilioglu
Rahul, congrats on the new release. I am a new user of Duet and am loving it. One feature request that I have is to be able to also utilize the built-in camera on the iDevice that is connected. Especially with the newer models, this might be a great addition to the awesome base product.
Chris Duell
dammit.... this makes me think I now *need* an iPad Pro
Kevin Elliott
As an iPad Pro user, this is an obvious companion that previous "secondary screen" apps just don't seem to support. Since this is really for business users (or dedicated prosumers), the cost for this is reasonable. These guys are bound to get rich.
Tom Goldsmith
Great product guys, I bought it earlier in the week and it works really well. Quite a surprise as I have tried things like this before and they never really work, especially when a USB connection in involved. I was thinking about buying a separate little screen so I can have a dual screen setup on the go but no need to now. Thanks!