Thanks! For context, since we were originally posted a few months ago we've completely shifted from feedback/recognition in the work place to be a review site where you can see reviews of professionals from their customers, partners, etc. Depending on the type of the professional, our goal is to give insights that you can’t quite get from LinkedIn or Yelp on why people would (or wouldn’t) recommend working with that professional to their friends. The format is very similar to NPS, but applied to individuals instead of products or companies. It takes two minutes to get set up and is free to use. We’re seeing early success with a wide range of professionals, from hair stylists and spin instructors, to realtors and lawyers. Would love to hear feedback from the community!
Thanks to dunwello I've had a lot of interesting opportunities come my way...the kind you wouldn't expect from a review site. I owe it to the fact thatt my dunwello profile has helped me track the feedback I wouldn't normally have a good outlet for, like startup advising, consulting, and teaching/mentoring for organizations like Lean Startup Machine and the Harvard Innovation Lab.
@matt - Dunwello looks great. How does it compare to other networks like voting skills on LinkedIn or employee recognition tools like an internal wiki?
@porterhaney@matt Great questions. In short, our hope is to be far more accurate and trustworthy than any of the existing options out there. Since you mention LinkedIn, I’ll start by saying that we think LinkedIn is an AWESOME company and product but we think it’s far more suited to showing you what people say about themselves opposed to showing you what other people say about them. Our hope is that we can sit in between the two products they currently offer – being easier and more real time than recommendations and more real and trustworthy than endorsements. Another common question is how we compare to Yelp. In short, it’s that we’re focused on individuals versus companies as a whole. Yes, you can see that this company is rated 9.9 as a whole (, but more importantly you can see the ratings of each of the individual instructors. Further, if they add a great instructor to the team, that’s instructor’s score and positive reviews come with them from their former role. Whereas, with Yelp that instructor would have to start from scratch and their reviews would be stuck with the former employer, which is unfair to the professional and confusing to consumers who have no idea the great reviews they are looking at are about an instructor who has moved to a new studio.
Hope this helps!