@julianlozanoaz +1. When I saw the headline for Tinycards this morning, I immediately went to download it before even clicking through. Hopefully your Android version is in the works, so we don't have to wait long.
Hi, ProductHunt!. I'm Jack from Duolingo. We're incredibly excited to share what we've been working on, and the team are here to answer any questions you might have - so fire away!
About Tinycards (App Store Editor's Choice)
"You know why flashcards are famous? Because they work. And frankly, we think Tinycards work even better. This clever app - made by the people behind language-learning classic Duolingo - makes it easy to subscribe to topics ranging from famous landmarks to historical events, then receive tons of interactive cards to memorize. You can hear pronunciation, study illustrations, and unlock new decks as you progress - and it's actually fun the whole time. Take that, flashcards."
- Apple App Store, Editor's Choice
@jckmgn@gregorydhartman@karin_tsai@tylrmurphy@dklionsk Well done team!!! I've always been exceptionally impressed with you guys on so many fronts.
I would love illumination on your decision making process as to how this came about, I did some googling and stumbled onto a one year old thread with specific details from many avid users saying they wanted a flash card native app, considering you guys built the community to offer support and guidance like this, how has this positively impacted your development cycle, and does it at all define how you iterate and try new things?
here is the link: https://www.duolingo.com/comment... to the comment thread posted a year ago
@nicholassheriff Thanks, Nicholas! The origin story for Tinycards is a long, mysterious one - but the short version is that Tinycards was born out of an internal Duolingo Hackathon that only lasted one day. We created rough prototypes of a 'Tinder style' flashcard app that at the time, was called Stacks.
The UX and visual design of the original concept app was far different to what we're launching today, but it laid the foundations for what Tinycards is now. Hopefully we'll be able to share more on this soon - look out for a case study from our Design team in the near future!
@bentossell Thanks, Ben! Fun fact: the first thing I studied on the internal beta testing app was The Original 150 Pokemon. It's actually a great example of how well our methods can work with completely new, abstract information.
@jckmgn I was excited to see a new product from Duolingo, because I enjoy using it so much, but I was bummed to see it was iOS only. I'll try to get someone I know to download/try it on iOS so I can give feedback.
I get why you would start with iOS, but I'm still bummed I can't have it, yet.
@hellosmoore Thanks, Shannon! Not to worry - we put a lot of focus on Android at Duolingo and Tinycards will be no exception. It's on the way, and it's going to be awesome. Please keep your eyes peeled!
@joostschuur Thank the lovely ShaoLan of Chineasy as well. She worked with us to make it happen, and plans to release more Chineasy decks on Tinycards in the future.
Well Done!!! I love this app. The ability to create my own flash card deck is great. I have not played with it enough yet. Can we share decks with people / groups / make it public?
@jacobkbluhm Thanks, Jacob! All decks are public by default, but there's a 'Private' toggle you can tap before/after publishing your own deck to make it private and visible only by you. You can absolutely share decks with other Tinycards users, regardless of whether they're your own decks or those made by others. You can also follow accounts to see the decks they create, and have your friends follow you, too.
Are there any plans to release an companion website for this later down the roadmap? Creating flashcards on IOS takes comparably longer time to creating them with a keyboard :) I guess one way to use this more effectively is to use a bluetooth keyboard for the time being.
I'm a big fan of Duolingo, recommend it to folks all the time. It is so beautifully executed and quite effective. Can't wait to try this out - on 'droid' though.
Amazing work! This is exactly what Dulingo was missing - simple and effective way to memorize words that are most difficult for you personally. Love it! I think I will use it even more than Dulingo :)
It would be great if you guys can create API for these. I have ton of Flash Cards ideas for different field I want to make. TinyCards can become platform for FlashCards channels which user can get free or from in app purchases.
I was so excited about this when I saw it that I immediately downloaded it and started playing (it felt like playing, even though I was learning!). This was at 1am. I'm incredibly impressed with everything. The art direction and user experiences are very well done.
Have been s fan of DuoLingo from the beginning! Great addition to an amazing platform. The founder is awesome.. Heard him in the Tim Ferriss podcast awhile back.. He's truly amazing.
Looks great. I love Duolingo and I'm using it to kickstart some German for an upcoming trip. I'd love to see an Android version of Tinycards. Both my son and I have ADD and I've found this format and the gamification elements (streaks, lingots, xp) are incredibly useful to keep us engaged.
Tinycards for Android, by Duolingo
Summer Bod 2020