Cool idea, but you can't submit the new time and also It would be cool to see the shortest and longest times, the current range isn't enough. Regardless, great job!
@itai_neter Hi Itai, thanks for the comment. I added a gif to show the usage of this datetime input box. If it still doesn't work for you, would you mind providing more information about the device and browser you are using?
@itai_neter About the shortest and longest times, it could only be approximations. There are two reasons for this. First, both orbits are not perfect circles. Secondly, they do not have perfect resonance orbital periods. But the approximate max and min would appear roughly every two years. So I will make the range larger to reflect this. Thanks again.
@emptymalei ok, I see the problem now, it's a "below the fold" issue. I changed the date but didn't see any changes as i was only seeing half the image, I was sure it didn't change.
As for the range - as I know nothing about the subject, I didn't know there was a logic behind the 2 year graph, I thought it was completely arbitrary and If I had a larger time-frame, maybe I'd see longer/shorter response times. Thanks for that :)