Derric Haynie

Ecommerce Events - Browse through dozens of past, present, and future events

Browse from dozens of past, present, and future events to find the ones that will help you grow your store. Filter by free or paid, choose a category, or search for a topic you want to learn more about. Or submit your event and gain more exposure, for free.

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Derric Haynie
I was so frustrated having to hunt around the internet to find Ecommerce events that I decided I'd create my own directory for it. And I've dedicated some of my team resources to helping add new events regularly and maintain the directory. Thanks Sah and Casey! Bookmark the page, come back to it when you're thinking about where to send the team next year (when we move back to live events), or simply browse around and find the events that you think are going to help you the most. What makes this open and free directory so great is that even if you miss something, you can scroll through past events and sign up for the on-demand sessions. To me this is very important for merchants because you don't want to learn everything about everything in Ecommerce... You want to find the sessions and events that are going to solve your biggest problems today (or present you with the biggest opportunities). And put the other stuff on the backburner. Thanks to all of our partners for helping us list these events and stay on top of the Ecommerce events industry as it continues to grow both online and in the "real world."
Ben Jacobson
@sixpeppers Very cool, Derric. This was definitely a niche that needed filling Wishing you much success with the project.
Casey Hyland
There are so many events out there! I love that we've sorted this directory not only by date, but also by "goal/objective". Looking to up your sales and conversions? Theres an event for that! Interested in customer support? Got ya covered! The only downside, so many great events, so little time!!
I've checked this. Its a nice product
Prateek Keshari
Love it @sixpeppers