
Edo Agenda - Productivity, meet creativity.


Edo Agenda is your personal workspace that helps you organize your day and free your creative side.

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Yasmin Smith

Love this app and use it for work, school and home.


Beautiful design! Excellent use of white space and colours make it pleasing to look at and use.


Would love to have tasks and lists be arrangeable in manual order. Would also like to have more robust notifications on the ios app.

I just discovered this product yesterday but it already has great potential to replace Wunderlist as my daily driver. I'm still in the process of migrating tasks over to test it out, but the versatility of the app as a to-do list, project hub, journal, and agenda (all in one!) as well as the gorgeous design across platforms is making me highly consider switching.
Marco Muratore
@yourgirlvie Thank you very much for hunting us, We're happy you're enjoying our service and that you like the idea behind it: One place to organize your days. Feel free to ask any question about it.
Jens Polomski
Oh wow, this looks great! Gonna do some tests but this could replace a lot!
Marco Muratore
@jensger Thank you Jens, Feel free to ask any questions or give us suggestions about the service.
Дмитрий Горбунов
I just downloaded this. Looks so nice
Marco Muratore
@dgrbnv Thank you, enjoy the service! If you have any feedback we'll be glad to hear them.
Guido Giordano
I have being using this amazing product for a while and it has replaced all my productivity tools. It just works.
Marco Muratore
Hi Hunters, I'm Marco, one of the co-founder of We're thrilled to have this opportunity to share our service and the ideas behind it with this fantastic community. We're looking forward for your feedback, questions and suggestions, feel free to ask anything.
Lilany Morré

Easy to use clean


Its intuitive


I am a premium user but it keeps telling me this is a premium feature you can use it for 30 more days

Alexandra Brie

I use Edo Agenda for work and private live, mostly the tasks and events. It helps me to get an overview of my everyday tasks and events!


Clean design, has browser based access too, custom colors, add lots of stuff to your todos or events, connector to many other calenders


For me no improvement nessecary

Have been using this for a year and hands down one of my favourite products! Absolutely love the calendar integration + clean design on all platforms.
Marco Muratore
@kaveesha_qm Thank you very much!
Lena Nilsen

This is a calendar, to-do list and project manager all in one. Superb. Beautiful UI, simple and intuitive, works like a charm. One two cons is that it only accepts google calendars, and that there's no native app for MacOS/Windows. I cannot convert to Edo Agenda unless I can use it with my work Office 365 calendar.


Ease of use, it does a lot in one app so I can delete a few others


It NEEDS to accept Office 365 and other calendars.

Luca Mengoli

Curious to know how you can export all journal entries


Very easy to use, simple and comprehensive


Keep up the great work

Geeke Donker-Bohms
Hi! Is there anyway I can sync my Icloud calender on the web-app? Since I can do that on the app on my phone, should be logical to do this on the laptop as well. And is there any way I can share this account with my husband so we can keep track of eachothers tasks and planning? Love to hear from you soon, because I love the app and this is the only thing for me to make it absolutely perfect.
Marco Muratore
Hi @geeked, you can sync iCloud calendar following this guide: Let us know if this helps. We are currently more focused on personal productivity but many users asked for sharing options, we're evaluating how to integrate them. Currently you can try to share the same account with the other person.
Bartosz Pietrzkowski
simply marvelous 2020 agenda app