Stewart Rogers

BackView by Elasticode - Re-engage app users right before they leave

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Thanks for the hunt, Stewart! Hi Product Hunters, As part of our mission to always improve , today we are happy to introduce a new way of utilizing a surprising piece of app real estate. Backview experiences turn Apple’s app switcher into an opportunity to re-engage users who abandoned an app abruptly, by displaying a message that’ll bring them back. Users might leave your app when a phone call comes in, for instance, and forget to come back later on. Backview experiences let your app emerge from the background and grab users’ attention. There are many different ways to use this new feature, including: an abandoned shopping cart or game-level, completing a registration process or simply reminding users that your app is interesting. Backview experiences can be segmented to fit specific audiences and app sections. The Backview experiences are an addition to our online studio, which allows to instantly create and deploy segmented native experiences, without the need for coding skills, App Store approvals or end-user updates. We’re excited to share this feature with the Product Hunt community and hope you like it. There’s also a special Product Hunt offer of 50% off for the first 3 months. So, what do you think?
Stewart Rogers
The first thing that caught my eye when I originally found out about BackView is "why hasn't someone thought of that before?" Based in Tel Aviv, Elasticode has brought retargeting to Apple devices by leveraging a slice of screen real estate everyone else has ignored. The team at Elasticode were kind enough to give me the exclusive on reporting the launch of this product at VentureBeat, where you can find out more details (
Nogah Senecky
@therealsjr Thanks for the hunt and for the wonderful article, Stewart!
Yoni Dariel
Good work guys! You continue to kick some serious ass! Now what about android??
Nogah Senecky
@yonidariel Thanks, Yoni, for the kind words and the reminders :) Work in progress, we promise!
Ouriel Ohayon
that s very smart but it s not really "before they even leave" no? they have to have left to show this? Apple would do a great favor to the world if they could add to their SDK a way to prompt users as they close the app they are using
Nogah Senecky
@ourielohayon Thanks Ouriel. Many users swipe through the app switcher to close the apps that are still running in the background. Right as they are about to do that, we offer a way to send them an engaging message.
Ouriel Ohayon
@nogahsenecky i am not sure many users are swiping to close. but probably swiping to switch. it s an original way to remind you of an app you did not finish using. but still it you have to have "left" the app to see that? maybe on android there is a way to prompt such a message as you leave an app
Nogah Senecky
@ourielohayon I see your point. Hopefully this will grab users' attention either way :)
From a designer/coder/business owner standpoint, I find this possibly useful and intriguing. From a UX standpoint, this is horrific, and is tantamount to UI hijacking. As a user, if I were evaluating an app, and I got a text let's say, and had to switch over to answer it, and this happened, it would be "dump it!" This trend of "user re-engagement" is effectively bringing back the modal javascript alerts from the 90''s ("wait don't go... you are the one millionth visitor, and as such you win a free iPAD"). Yes they tend to be less advertisement, and more enticement, but as a user, this would and has turned me off from using perfectly good services.
Nogah Senecky
@kclewis0614 Hi Jacrys, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Let me just clarify that the idea is not to send a notification/pop-up to users as they are about to answer a call or leave the app. It is to turn the app switcher screen from just a random app screen to an engaging message, so that users who flip through the different app screens will be convinced to come back. Hope that's clear now :)
@nogahsenecky I will confess I haven't used an iOS device since like iOS 4 or 5 (and even then for like 15 minutes), so my knowledge of UI/UX on those devices is dated to say the least. That being said, is this within the app itself, or as a user is switching external? and if external, is it obscuring the app switcher, or using un/under-utilized real-estate to display a message? I apologise if this seems trite, but I think my confusion may stem from a lack of knowledge of the flow. I use my app switcher to flip back and forth between apps constantly on my Android, and an obscuring display would be disruptive to say the least. I am not trying to be negative , but I have dealt with exit pop-ups on the browser and have very negative experiences, and could see it as a source of abandonment, and might increase bouncing instead of decreaing it.
Nogah Senecky
@kclewis0614 That's totally understandable. The idea is not to obscure (in fact, some apps may choose to use this feature to protect user's personal info from being exposed in the background). It is to remind users what they were doing in the app as they left and bring them back. The templates we offer are informative and put an emphasis on providing value to users.
@nogahsenecky Thank you for the clarification on intent. I appreciate you taking the time to eplain your approach.
Nogah Senecky
@kclewis0614 No problem, my pleasure.
Robert Nachum
This is such a cool feature!
Nogah Senecky
@robertnachum7 Thanks, Robert! You're pretty cool yourself!
That's pure magic :) soon to come on the Fiverr app? @wolkomir
@ariked You know it!
Ariel Assaraf
Looks awesome and can do magics to the engagement level of users . Will def' give it a try
Nogah Senecky
@arielassaraf Thanks, Ariel. Glad you liked it and would love to hear from you once you've given it a try.
Assaf Levy
Smart app, will try it on mine :) Are you going to support Android too? (is it relevant to Android anyway?). Good luck
Nogah Senecky
@atlantis76 Thanks, Assaf. That's a great question. For our mobile studio in general, Android is next on the list. We will see if there's a way to translate this idea to other platforms as well.