Hiya Hunters,
Donglify is just an app that can ensure secure remote access to a USB dongle. Multi connection and simultaneous access — easy. Sharing a hardware license key — even easier!
“Oh you’re gonna argue with me on social media? I’m going to find your profile picture and turn you into a dong-unicorn. Thanks Dongify™!
PS: If anyone makes that app I claim 10% of your billion dollars in revenue
@hans_sep Thanks for the question.
At this point, we’re in the process of developing Donglify for Mac, the rest are up next.
Our app’s best point is the multi-connect feature: one dongle key can be accessed by multiple clients in parallel.
@thisisjad Hi Jad,
Looks like you’re a bit confused about Dropbox and Donglify roles. Dropbox is a file storage without any sort of dongle sharing feature whatsoever. And Donglify is pretty much for those who use hardware USB dongle keys for software activation or digital signature authentication and would love to have an option to connect those keys remotely for themselves and the whole team in parallel (that’s why the Multi-connect feature is there). Hope my reply helped to tie up some loose ends.
Electronic Team, Inc.
Electronic Team, Inc.
Electronic Team, Inc.