Hello! Today we launched Elevate 2.0, which includes a brand-new feature called Study and a completely revamped Performance area. The Study section provides users with a rich library of educational tools and resources. We think there’s a huge opportunity to reimagine the way long-form educational content is delivered on mobile, so we’re excited to finally see this out in the world. Let us know what you think.
@vbarnett323 Email us at hello@elevateapp.com. We don't have a great way of offering PH-only discounts within the app, but I think we can figure something out.
@sterlingz Thanks, Sterling. When you get a chance, check out the Activity section in Performance. It's a Pro-only feature that we'd love some feedback on.
It took a while to figure out where to put self-directed learning material. It was the most obvious missing piece in hindsight. I hope it fills an important job for a lot of people.
After several product and engineering iterations, we got to what Elevate 2.0 is today. I'm personally very proud of the product, and I think features like study materials that can be reviewed over time and the new performance tab will be a huge benefit for both old and new users of the app.
Balance - Meditation & Sleep
Balance - Meditation & Sleep
Balance - Meditation & Sleep
Balance - Meditation & Sleep