Hi everyone! Co-founder of Eliot&me here.
We've been working hard developing a pricing AI (named Eliot) and today we're launching the first prototype. Give it a try to find out how much your home is worth on Airbnb (or similar sites).
We would love to get your feedback...
How good do you feel the estimates and underlying trends are? Did you find the tool useful? Would you rent your place on Airbnb, now that you know how much you're leaving on table?
We also built a price surge alert you can subscribe to, and be the first to know when the price spikes in your neighborhood. The best times to host and travel for free.
I've been looking for something like this to evaluate property I might want to buy and use as a second home. The daily price is very useful, but do you have data on % occupancy and average monthly income. Or is that what the monthly bar chart is showing? In which case it would be helpful to label or explain it more clearly.
Great stuff!
@psturrock Thanks for the feedback Paul, the monthly bar chart is the estimate daily rental price you can expect to rent your place for a given month, it varies based on the demand for places like yours. We don't currently share occupancy rates but we'll consider exposing this information in the future.
@jimt1277 Thanks Jim. I'd rather not compare since our end product (to be launched later this year) is very different from what these companies do. With this launch, our main goal is to get feedback on our pricing and realtime price surge alerts.
@edouardtabet This is a really nice tool! I'm finishing bootstrapping my startup www.keydrop.co; 24/7 worry-free key exchange for bnb-hosts & guests for just 10,- a month, and I think Elliot is the perfect companion for my customers.
As for feedback; first off it's really easy to use and straight forward, you simply can't go wrong. Also seeing the events in the near future is really informative to see the increase of price.
My two cents on what could be better; automate your retention
The only option you provide for signing up for a notification is when the weekly price surges (weekly), yet sometimes it's only for a day or two when that price surges. I would like to be informed when I'm planning to go on a holiday and to do so, I now have to manually remind myself and go to your site.
What would be ideal if I could opt in on the Events that you have listed as most people I know rent out their homes on those days, so they automatically get notified beforehand. Adding your own event would be great either (say "my holiday") so people get notified next time they go on a holiday and are reminded of any price surges around the time they leave.
Next to that I would love to slipstream your service into our app and create even more visability here in Amsterdam, so feel free to get in touch!
Guus (Gus in Dutch)
Eliot&Me Estimator
Eliot&Me Estimator
Eliot&Me Estimator
Instalocate - AI Personal Travel Assistant
Eliot&Me Estimator
Eliot&Me Estimator
Eliot&Me Estimator
How can I get more data? I put my email many times but didn't get any reply. So, I am a not lost regarding this.
Pros:We works for apartment partners and will happy to know the insight of the destination.
Cons:There is not index for some graphs neither explanation. So, it is difficult to guess what's the meaning. And I can't subscribe myself.