Ryan Hoover

Ello 3.0 - A social network for artists

Ello is The Creators Network, a publishing and collaboration platform connecting and supporting a global community of artists.

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Ryan Hoover
Ello originally launched ~3 years ago, amassing 3M users very quickly before raising a total of ~$11M in funding. Since then, they've gone through some iterations and just now relaunched to focus on artists and creators. @sarahbuhr wrote a good summary of their evolution on TechCrunch. I'm curious to hear more about how you narrowed in on this focus since Ello's debut, @paulbudnitz and team.
Micah Baldwin
@sarahbuhr @paulbudnitz @rrhoover one of the difficulties of focusing on a sub-community (creatives) is its hard to get to "venture scale" because the community itself has felt left out and becomes protectionist. There has to be a way to bridge creatives with people who like pretty things to be long-term successful. I really want a creative community to break out. Perhaps ello will be it.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@rrhoover your link to the TechCrunch story links to http://producthunt.com/posts/ello... missing a closing anchor tag?
Ryan Hoover
@chrismessina whoops! Fixed. Thanks for flagging.
Adam Marx
@sarahbuhr @paulbudnitz @rrhoover @micah I think this evolution of Ello is actually indicative of a larger trend that we're seeing: the shift of focus to "the creative/producer" as the target demographic, rather than with a split focus on the producer and consumer. For example, in the music landscape, what we're seeing with the new releases from the established music companies and a couple of the new ones which have poppped up recently is a desire to appeal more directly to the artist/performer and further away from the streaming listener. This is interesting and ultimately what I thought would happen because the producer demographic has long been second-place behind the consumerbase. What we're seeing now is a broadening of scope recognizing that the creative/producer demographic may be a lucrative demographic in and of itself; my gut tells me that ultimately, it will be much more lucrative than the consumer demographic, even if the growth is a little slower. I think we're at the top of a new cycle now where the next wave of creative-content companies will focus more acutely on business models aimed at producers, rather than subscription-only models for consumers (ad revenue aside). Ello seems to be experimenting with this new perspective; will be interesting to see how it evolves further. More new companies will undoubtedly jump on this train, though.
Lucian Föhr
Hey @rrhoover, thanks for the post! As for how we narrowed in on this focus, it has been less a narrowing of focus and more a refinement of our communication & product. Before Ello, Todd Berger and I ran a design studio called Berger & Föhr. We've been working together for over 15 years now. Our founding intention for Ello was to build a place we'd like to share our work and to provide other creators with 3 things: visibility, influence, and opportunity - or to be seen, heard, and paid. Most recently we've been focused on that last part, getting artists paid. We see a huge opportunity right now for agencies and brands to bring projects to our community. We do this through Artist Invites (https://ello.co/artist-invites). So far artists have been printed in publications, featured in international exhibitions, gained artist representation, made a capsule collection, displayed work in museums, and more - all while getting paid. We're about to send two artists to Cambodia, where they will document and create work about Hannes Schmid's Smiling Gecko community. Our other main product focus at this time is the editorial experience you see on our homepage. We are hand-curating works from artists on Ello and also other creative happenings around the globe. Our hope is that the Ello homepage becomes the first place an artist visits when they get up in the morning. We have a bunch of other rad shit in the works as well. Happy to answer any other questions anyone has.
Usha Arun
This platform is a much needed one for artists and glad that Ello has built it. Love the UI, well curated contents. Great work!
Drew Meyers
Didn't realize the site was still active. Would love to hear from a few creators/users about what they use the site for.
Michael Musgrove
@drewmeyers I post things on @ello to get feedback and inspiration from, and join a community of, better artists than I. It's refreshingly different than dribbble, maybe because it feels more social.
Why? Why? Why? Looks like nulled wordpress theme... God...
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I really enjoy Ello and think it provides a valuable service for artist publishing and discovery. It's better than Tumblr for artists because representative work is presented in the context of the artist's identity, rather than removed from it. I've also purchased several of their print magazines to support the service — a great way to satisfy my appetite for curated, modern art.
Lucian Föhr
Thanks @chrismessina, our upcoming artist monograph + interview zine, Underscore, is headed to the printers in a week or so. We're also working on a collab publication with Dribbble right now to benefit disaster relief victims: https://ello.co/artist-invites/m....
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@lucianfohr awesome! I'm curious — would you share how that business model is working? Both for yourself and for artists on your platform? With Kickstarter launching Drip and the success of Patreon, it's interesting to see so many new options for artists to make some kind of living, and I've love to hear more about how the actual economics are working out.
Hayden Evans
Ello has gone through more pivots than you would see at an NBA game.
Lewis P. Conant
Not an artist, but I would use it =) It looks really nice.
Grégoire Méker

I love the idea of having a social network for arts and artists. Other social networks don't seem to be adapted for all kinds of arts and a few artists might feel blocked in the formats.

But how come, as a fan, I cannot unlike a post just for the sake of filtering what I would like to see?

This would be great to have that kind of intelligence on this website.

I still have to say this website is beautiful and very engaging.

Would love to see it faster to enhance user experience ;)


Topics are clearly stated and elegible. Beautiful website and inspirations. Easy and pleasant onboarding.


Slow-loading website and images. Search is not obvious. No way to unlike posts.

James Walsh
Ello have had a fair few attempts at finding product-market fit. I remember when they were the social media 'rebels' trying to re-invent the social network, but their mission looks to be completely different now. Hope they find their feet.
Kireeti Varma
I'm one of the early users of Ello back when it released. It's good now Ello picked a niche. ✌️
Nina Cvijovic
Yesterday I created an account to try it out. I like the whole concept! To me, it seems like Instagram for artists. I especially like the "Artist Invites" as it is something that will keep me from returning and checking out what's new. In my opinion, it is something great for the community of artists and art fans to get together, inspire each other and find what they like. I added two of my artworks https://ello.co/diujdi. Let's see how it goes ;) Nice work people! P.S. I haven't seen if you have a sign up for the newsletter, but I would love to get one and I think it would be nice to get some weekly inspiration directly in the inbox.
John Arroyo

I was getting lots of porn spam and canceled my account


at least they keep trying ;-)


slow and confusing rebrand

Reony T
Is this an alternative to Uplabs and dribbble?
Crystal Ortiz
Ah, good old Ello - came out 3 years ago or so, back when people thought that Facebook could be killed. It's taking a while but I'm hoping that they do find their fit. I stopped using Ello because I kept getting bombarded with scams, spam and phishing attacks. Unfortunately, it really hurt their credibility for me.
Ktryn Dchrs
❤️❤️❤️ The good : An interesting and great pivot in the website service that you got… This looks like a great and brillant hybrid between social medias, Behance and other great web platforms. I will visite Ello even more now that I see a better interest in it's content. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ The bad : My only concern at the moment is that the indexation and categories are really not that clear enough! What I mean is that on the home page, there is a bunch of tiles that links to multiple kind of contents (portfolio, articles, articles to sell), but there is no way to differentiate them. This "details" is a little turn off for me (and probably other people who don't want to have to click to discover what kind of contend hide behind those links).
Noritaka Kobayashi, Ph.D
i am very interested in it.