
Email Signature 1.0 - Fast and easy way to create professional email signatures

Email Signature 1.0 is the easiest and fastest email signature generator for mail that looks professional. Html template signature that works on Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, and many more

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Hello ProductHunt, We updated EmailSignature.org, adding GSuite integration to make it easy to install your email signatures into your email account, this feature will be awesome if you are the GSuite account administrator; last but not least the payment processing is now working. I'm adding the original description so you can understand more this small and awesome tool. Finally, we invite you try our tool and create a free email signature. Enjoy it, —————— EmailSignature.org is a tool that facilitates the creation of email signatures, the final result is a mail signature of professional appearance and very easy to administer. Our goal was to create a tool that is easy to use and above all beautiful. We are still adjusting some things, but we will be happy to listen to your proposals for new features or to correct some bugs. EmailSignature is available in 3 languages, English, Spanish and Portuguese. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this tool in the same way that we enjoy creating it. Have a beautiful and productive day.