Andrew Mutavdzija

Edison Mail - Your email with an assistant built in


Welcome to unparalleled speed, no ads, reduced spam, all email accounts in one inbox, bulk delete, a support ninja that responds quickly, and notification settings that you can configure the way you want. Although with us, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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Andrew Mutavdzija
Hey, I've been using this during its beta alongside my "usual" email app, and I will say, it's "Easily" a keeper! Very fast all around. I really like the sidebar categories of Subscriptions, Travel, Packages, Bills & Receipts, and Entertainment... think sort of like Google Now cards. While I haven't done any traveling or bought any tickets (entertainment) (yes, that's my life right now) to test the categorization in those areas, it's got my bills & receipts down, it did really well in tracking the one package I've received, and I'm still wading through what it thinks are my subscriptions... at this point, I'd say it's got everything + some things that are just people who email me frequently, but that's a minor quibble for me. Hope y'all give it a try!
Vijay Sridhar
This is awesome. I've been looking for a better replacement for both Mailbox and the default stock mail app on iOS. I've looked at Polymail and similar apps but they're just so buggy and don't have super great interfaces. This thing blows them out of the water both in speed, feature set, and reliability, it's absolutely great!
Andrew Mutavdzija
@sridvijay Yeah, I was underwhelmed with Polymail, though the latest update did straighten out the whole not loading any emails thing it had going on. I have been using EasilyDo Mail primarily and hadn't even meant to switch... just came naturally!
Vladislav Proskurin
Maybe you can share it with Russian users? I will be appreciated!
Don VC
Loving this so far. This has replaced Outlook and Spark for me - simple and similar enough to regular mail, with all of the features that I need.
Eric .E
Any plans on bringing this to mac?
Using it from Yesterday, It's really Awesome! Many useful and unique built-in features to help you to organize your life (package tracking, receipt organize, Bills & Receipts & much more...) WITHOUT sacrificing Speed & Reliability. There are so many fancy look email apps with many extras in AppStore, BUT mostly with flows & unreliable. Some can't even sync properly! It's not the case here! Everything has done right with so many attention to the details and minimum issue — Extremely Happy so far! :)
Michael Knepprath
Most email app ads are like, "Remember Mailbox? We're the next best thing!" This is the first one I've tried that's actually better than Mailbox. Great work, team!
Hetal Pandya
Jonas Petermann
yeah also would like to try it out but it is not in the swiss appstore as well...
Brandon Bailey
I am beyond disappointed that this is not available for Android
Eugene Kruglov
Why on Earth you'll limit your app to a certain countries? No way for me to try it :(
Jason Shultz
What's the difference between EasilyDo Mail and EasilyDo Assistant? Is there much overlap between the two? It "looks" like Assistant does some of these already? I'm going ahead and downloading them both because they both look awesome!
Valentin D
Great, but when on Android ?!
Looks beautiful but where's support for Exchange? I'd love to find one "go to" email app these days but no exchange support is a deal breaker.
Andy Beaumont
I got an EasliyDo Assistant lifetime subscription from somewhere and have had the app installed for a few months. It has yet to actually help me with anything at all.
Andrew Mutavdzija
@drcongo That's odd. I don't have any subscription and it has stuff in my email organized into categories and I've received some alerts, etc. Not saying that's worth a lifetime subscription, but I haven't really tried much with it since I only downloaded it after I already had the email app.
Kyle Visner
Do you not support Google for Work directly?
Bo Wang
I have been using this app for checking my gmail and one other email accounts. I can't seem to find a way to create cross-account folder that contains, e.g. all my ticket emails no matter where they were sent to. Is it possible?
I recently switched and love it's speed and UI and especially that you can see attachments above the message! I do wish to see these features: - search in emails older then 5 months - attach multiple files in one go from e.g. Dropbox (like Spark) - better support for share sheet because it now stops at 10 photos where other email apps can attach 40+
Stamatios Stamou Jr
Be aware that this company read all your emails, attachements and contacts, save in their servers and sell the information that collect. You can't opt-out of this bad behavior. Your information is available to buy at Very bad behavior. I did realize this because started to see my emails marked as read as soon as I open the App. Take a time to read their privacy policy: Do not use them. Very deceptive way of doing business. I do not mind to pay to use it, but, I really do mind to see my emails read without reading it myself.
Hetal Pandya
@ssjunior Incorrect!! Edison Mail has always let you opt out from the beginning!! Even mentions it in their app store copy.
Stamatios Stamou Jr
@spicycarot Thanks for the answer, but, this is not True. Here is the proof: See for yourself. To opt out you should delete your account. If this is a bug, Edison should correct it. The truth is that will be forced to stop using it to 'opt out'. If you opt out from collection practice you cannot use Edison anymore and your account will be disabled. In my iPhone as soon as I did follow the instructions my accounts were disconnected and this was reflected in my iPad too. There's no option to 'Opt out', only to delete account. Here a screenshot to prove it: I don't mind to pay, but, I really see this kind of behaviour problematic. The instruction in FAQ does not reflect what we can find in the app. Where is the 'opt out' option that allows the continued use 'without degradation'? Just to make it clear, I think that Edison should deserve be paid for their work, but, what about charging for it instead of getting data from it? I did notice of this data collection after seeing my emails opened without reading it. I will glad pay for Edison Mail because I think it is a great product. 👍