Neeraj Thakur

Instant for iOS - Your life on a dashboard. Track all activities automaticall…


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This looks very interesting but there are a ton of privacy questions. You mentioned that the app tracks all of my activities, what are you doing with that data? Do/would you sell that data in any way? Can the data be used/exported for use in other apps (like Excel if I wanted to create my own life dashboard)?
Shashwat Pradhan
@fbara the data remains within the app on your phone, we have no access to it. When the app is deleted, the data is permanently gone. Here is our Privacy Policy:
James Koole
@shashwatpradhan @fbara But do I have access to it? Can I get the data off the phone and into some format where I can save it if I ever decide to stop using the app?
Shashwat Pradhan
@jameskoole @fbara yes you can export it as a csv.
Shashwat Pradhan
Hello Product Hunt, Instant tracks all your activities automatically and puts it on a dashboard. Something like Google Analytics for your life! We track your device usage time, travel, fitness and places. It took us a while to build this app in an Apple approved way since we are tracking lots of background contextual information. The key of Instant is that it tracks everything automatically in the background, without manual entries like other lifelogging apps. It also gets all this information in one place. Looking forward for your feedback!
Steven W
@shashwatpradhan great app! but not sure if i'm ready to find out how much time i waste on social media (╯•﹏•╰)
Shashwat Pradhan
@mrwongsteven haha, you can find out many other things as well!
Vlad Ciurca
Does the app also display what are the apps you hven't used in let's say last 30 days? Or do you have in plan to add a functionality like this?
Shashwat Pradhan
@vladciurca hey Vlad, the App Store guidelines don't allow us to track processes so we can't do that. That's a really interesting idea though.
Vlad Ciurca
@shashwatpradhan Hey Shashwat. I noticed after purchasing the app that I don't even have app stats on iOS. The screenshots from the website are very misleading. You should definitely mention those are Android only
Shashwat Pradhan
@vladciurca hey Vlad we don't mention app tracking anywhere on our App Store page, apologies if you felt so. We shall mention that somewhere. Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated! 😊
Nik McFly
@shashwatpradhan just wasted money for this app without data on apps and deleted it. You posted screenshots from Android on 'Instant for iOS' PH page. It feels like scam :F
Shashwat Pradhan
@nikolaybezhko hey, we didn't post any screenshots from our Android product here neither do we mention it on our App Store page. App usage tracking is currently in built in iOS 9 on the Battery feature. You can check it out there.
Ghost Kitty
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Shashwat Pradhan
@mariosundar we have spent a lot of time on optimising this, it takes only 3-6% in background.
Scott Davis
@shashwatpradhan @mariosundar over what period? per day? per hour?
Neeraj Thakur
Instant is the World's leading Quantified Self & Lifelogging app. Instant journals your entire day automatically.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
How does this compare to Reporter?
Shashwat Pradhan
@chrismessina Reporter needs manual input, we have a more automatic approach for tracking the users life.
Scott Davis
The concept is great, but I won't be downloading it for two reasons: 1) the price point is cost prohibitive. Competing apps typically are free or $0.99; 2) Many of these data points can be obtained already on my device, and are not difficult to access. So IMHO, the NEED for a dashboard with this data in one place isn't high for me personally.
Shashwat Pradhan
@the_scott_davis hey Scott, no other competing app provides this level of data. Providing updates and support for a niche app needs to be funded. Thanks for the feedback, will consider the price in the future. Hope to get you on board Instant then. 😊
Neel Lukka
Hey looks like an interesting product, will try it out. One question, How does the product track activities that were completed without device present? Assuming you just manually upload / input items like fitness if you're at the Gym without your phone / wearable?
Shashwat Pradhan
@nlukka the phone is sensing everything, so it is needed to track your activities.
This is pretty interesting. Not sure how it'll pick up though. Also where would the data be stored?
Shashwat Pradhan
@kenetix the data is stored on your phone itself, we have no access to it. When you delete the app all your data is cleared.
Ankita Garg
Hey @shashwatpradhan the app looks good. Does it take activity data from the Health app on iOS ?
Shashwat Pradhan
@bubbly_ank we get data from Apple's Core Motion framework. Health integration coming up next.