Rick Moby

EmojiOne 3.0 - Every emoji icon upgraded for 2017


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AndrΓ© J
Nice! Any plans to include 2017 emojis? Like the official zombie emoji:
Rick Moby
@eonpilot You better believe it... here's a preview: http://d.pr/i/dCK2F/5jQLzdj0 Our plan is to launch our version every Unicode 10 emoji the day it's officially released (June 2017). πŸ•Ί
Rick Moby
Hi ProductHunters! This was be far our biggest undertaking to date. There was no emoji left untouched for this upgrade. Here's the why: * It was time to monetize (or die). New licensing structure. πŸ’Έ * Improve cross compatibility among top emoji sets. ✨ * Added new genders/occupations to keep Unicode current. 🎨 * I'm just never satisfied and get bored. πŸ™ˆ We had to say goodbye to the open and free Creative Commons license (from version 2). Free is fun af, but didn't pay the bills. Freemium was the next best option, and we'll continue to support good cause partnerships like Firefox. I hope you love the new designs. As you know, we'll never stop improving them! Look for our next update (version 3.1) coming in June, which will include 69 unique designs (plus genders/skin tones) for Unicode 10. I freaking love what we're doing, this truly is the most rewarding business to be part of. Much love to all those who have supported EmojiOne throughout the years. πŸ’–
Rick Moby
@eonpilot I'd give u 10 upvotes for 'noodle-strap' if I could. πŸ˜‚
AndrΓ© J
@rick_moby PH humour. Credit shared with "co-inventor": @weiluenhuang and his "Noodle based" comment on Framer last night.
Dre DurrπŸ’‘
@rick_moby I want to put you in a virtual headlock for making me wait this long for an update 😑 I use EmojiOne all the frickin time. Doper than a mothersucka🚬🚬🚬🚬
Rick Moby
@dredurr I deserve that headlock! We butchered this release projection, so embarrassing. Being a product developer, I'm much more forgiving now as a consumer. Thx for the support Deandre!
Jon Roig
Love EmojiOne and what you've done with the project... thanks! Will be curious to see how the new "freemium" phase of its life works out.
Rick Moby
@jonroig Same... I was a bit nervous when we launched. So far we've had really positive response. I'm very thankful for that!
Well done! Looks like quite some work πŸ‘Œ
any plans for a safari add-on?
Rick Moby
@the_real_jw No plans in the works, based on virtually zero demand (until today). πŸ™ˆ
@rick_moby ha! i only ask because i switch between browsers often so its just nice to have consistency. but love the product!
Mona De Frawi
FUN! Thanks Rick, downloaded it and using it already πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸ˜
Rick Moby
@monadefrawi Warms my heart!! πŸ”₯πŸ’–
Erick Barron
I love the new emojis! Looks like they all got a a tan πŸ˜‚
Rick Moby
@erickbarron86 Haha I love that. They definitely got more 'color'.
Jeremy Bauer
That unicorn looks so glam. Love it πŸ‘Œ
Patrick Coombe
so how does this work? are these going to be included in the default Android / iOS keyboard?
Stas Kulesh
Great work, Rick and the team!