Nishant Gupta

Rich Media Push Notifications Guide - Do users love push notifications?

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To answer your rhetorical question no.
Nishant Gupta
@nucleics_inc Daniel, I know it is a very subjective answer. Everything depends on the app owner. Is he really using it to irritate you or some money benefits? (which is true in around 40% to 50% of cases.) There are mobile apps that use this channel as an important medium for communication with their users, and that's when we see 60% to 40% of users have no issues with push notifications. But in order to better serve users and not have push messages be seen as annoying, companies need to make a better effort to learn more about their mobile users. We have stats apps have used push notifications to deliver values rather than just to show an un-timely update and users actually enjoyed value. In short: we really have to understand what app users really want and see in push notifications.
Nishant Gupta
Hey everyone, An e-commerce marketer has so many different channels to pick and choose from. But push notification is probably the only channel that opens up a direct communication line with the user. And since it’s on the mobile, it’s most accessible as well. The best part is that the costs per engagement with push notifications is negligible since push does not have any costs attached. We have put together some best practices and present situation of push in this ebook. Also, learn how can you use Push notifications at different stages of the E-Commerce purchase cycle.
Andrew Gale
Spamming slack channels.