Jake Crump

Enoff - Report company violations anonymously from the Sarahah team


Enoff enables people to speak-out and report violations such as harassment cases and abuse in organizations that they are associated with. It's a safe haven to report these incidents while maintaining privacy.

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Peas and Beef
Why not a web version, so non-iOS users can contribute?
Stan Podolski
Supposedly I have reported it. Then what? I mean how company in Saudi Arabia would help me?
Hayden Evans
Why should anyone trust anything claiming "anonymity" from the team at Sarahah (which got caught collecting email/contacts while touting "anonymity") let alone anything from Saudi Arabia in general? For a country that kidnaps and beheads journalists, I would trust giving nothing to any entity based in Saudi Arabia - especially if I wanted to transmit any data on the condition of anonymity.
Hayden Evans
@ryandimascio Not sure how your comment is relevant. Slack has never claimed to be anonymous, nor was it founded or headquartered out of Saudi Arabia.