1). The big business vision is that Epic becomes The brand for incredible, true storytelling. That will create demand from partners for adaptation into any other medium (film, TV, digital distribution, podcast, books, micro-sites, advertising). Additionally, it will allow Epic to be a megaphone for true storytellers of all kinds. One of our founding tenants is 'Stories Are Everywhere' and we're pretty good at finding them. But if Epic becomes a place where anyone with an incredible story can submit and allow a community to help bring the best kernels of narrative to Epic as stories they want to hear, then that's democratization of content discovery. That's very powerful (and takes tons of inspiration from the product hunt community!)
2). The Medium partnership came about as a joint discussion between Epic and Medium around the symbiosis that could come from working together. Epic had extraordinary content with little online distribution, Medium had a growing platform and a desire to have some truly polished content as a part of that platform.
3). We have a full year of goose-bumps inducing stories ready to write and publish. Without saying too much you'll see meteorites, cats, the nether regions of the World Wide Web, and Fabio's disciples brought to incredible light from Epic in the coming months.
@stuartgoldfarb thanks! We'll pursue a diverse distribution strategy over time. Medium has been extremely helpful in the early days, but there are many outlets that are interested in outstanding original content. There are also outlets that can adapt our stories into other types of content online - short follow-up pieces, podcasts etc. The scale of the business comes from the plethora of adaptation opportunities (a type of marketplace) as well as the community that allows us to democratize content/story discovery. While the engine and infrastructure are new models in digital media, that community and marketplace scale as any other solely tech business would.
@stuartgoldfarb@tdevane One other thing that Tim forgot to mention, Stuart, is that they're working on a deal with the Longform team for great stories!
Traction Podcast
Traction Podcast
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