Brad Mitchell

Stellar Syllabus - Learning track for the coin helping impoverished communities

I and a few other Stellar community members saw thousands of people basing their knowledge off of short headlines and Reddit posts. So, in order to provide more in-depth information, we worked for 2 weeks to write a 25+ page Google Doc, which was then transformed into a NoviceDock syllabus with over 50 resources.

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Brad Mitchell
Hey Product Hunt Community! I don’t want to tell you whether Stellar is a great coin worth your investment or not. The point of education is reaching a point where you can make that decision for yourself. I’d like to introduce you to a non-profit organization called Stellar. Their goal is to help financially underserved communities around the world, so for example, someone in poverty in Nicaragua can send money to Nigeria without paying half of their paycheck in transaction fees. Myself and Stellar community members worked for countless hours doing research, and digging through the internet to find the best resources for you to learn from. Here is the structure of the syllabus: - Introduction - Prerequisites - How Stellar Works - Team Stellar - Stellar Partners - Stellar versus Bitcoin and Altcoins - Understanding, Buying, and Selling Stellar Lumens - Storing Stellar Lumen in Wallets - Lumen Inflation - Getting Involved in the Stellar Community - Stellar For Developers - Stellar’s Past and Future Challenges While there are hundreds of cryptocurrencies out there with all different sorts of purposes to learn about, we hope to educate you on at least one of them today, and perhaps more in the future. Thank you. Brad Mitchell PS: We absolutely love feedback! It can pertain to the website itself (user experience), or the content. If you have any additional Stellar resources we would love to highlight them too :)
@brad_mitchell What an incredibly inspiring project, bravo 👏🏽
Brad Mitchell
@abadesi thank you 😄
Abhi Vyas
git commit, git push. Never stop.
Brad Mitchell
@abhisek_vyas very inspiring