@car1os It's not a replacement for the Heroku Endpoint, the service purchases and installs the cert for you directly into the Endpoint and then helps make sure you've setup DNS correctly, etc.
Here's a speedrun where I use it to setup a new cert in about 3 minutes:
@mbuckbee It was a nightmare trying to set up an EV cert...our current regular cert was pulled/broke so no one could access the site for like 3 days without getting the red warning of death. Lost hundreds of customers.
Heroku seriously needs to just acquire this add-on and incorporate it into the core platform. I've been gradually migrating all my Heroku apps over to ExpeditedSSL as old certificates expire and the experience is so much better. Worth every penny!
setting up SSL certs on Heroku is unbelievably painful no matter how you look at it, but especially in contrast to how seamless the rest of the Heroku process is. really excited about this add-on!
@mbuckbee, can I use to renew my existing certificate?
@maiab Technically yes, but the user interface doesn't surface it well. Something close to 99% of our signups are for new cert setups, so it hasn't been a priority.
If you use the add-on right now it will all work correctly and then on the back-end I'll push an update instead of a new endpoint provision for the cert. If you have any concerns/questions feel free to email me at support@expeditedssl.com.
IP Lookup by Wafris
IP Lookup by Wafris
IP Lookup by Wafris
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IP Lookup by Wafris