Haha, nice @FelixReznik.
I'm a big fan of what @TO, @uxceo, and team are doing. I've participated in two Lean Startup Machines events and mentored at one (in fact, I'm speaking about Product Hunt at the next one this weekend).
Glad to see that you're building tools for product managers (relative to other roles, they're underserved).
Before you invested in building this, what was the riskiest assumption you identified? ;)
The riskiest assumption for us is activation--getting people to run the first few experiments and have meaningful learning. Otherwise they won't see the extreme value of the process.
Our unfair advantage is having the LSM workshops. It's also the reason we released the Experiment Board for free (http://www.javelin.com/experimen...) and have been creating free, high quality case studies. To get people through that initial on-boarding period.
We're also running other experiments to make activation/on-boarding more successful :).
@JaiTheArchitect happy to explain the difference.
LeanStack describes itself as "The more effective way to communicate your business model with internal and external stakeholders."
Experiments is NOT a business modeling tool. It's a tool for testing customer problems and outcomes of desired solutions BEFORE building them.
It's NOT for communicating with internal and external stakeholders. It's for individuals and teams to use to figure out the most important thing for them to do next in their business.
@TO Sorry i didn't specify. They have an experiments portion of there product --> http://screencast.com/t/UMEIrmto Looking at that how would you say your solution differs. Thanks
@JaiTheArchitect Experiments is different in that it's easier to use (think iPhone not Blackberry) and based on a proven process that we developed. Check out our case studies of real people who have built businesses using this process (http://www.javelin.com/experimen...).
@TO Gorgeous landing page. A couple questions:
1) Do you see yourself more as a personal trainer for people trying to be lean?
2) What about those already doing some of this in Google Docs, Evernote and the like for more experienced people. How do you think about trying to provide a sufficiently better experience to get them to switch and pay?
PS: Maybe I'm cheap...but I don't put my CC # in an app I can't see what I'm getting. I totally understand the urge to have higher quality/better validated trials though by doing so.
1. Yes.
2. Not sure. Some will switch, some won't. I don't know the patterns yet. As the tool gets better, more will switch.
3. Yep you nailed it. The CC wall is to prevent people from "kicking the tires."
@TO Would be interesting to see how this affects your funnel. Usually SaaS products *benefit* from having people try it out and there's an expectations to "try before you buy", which gives the company an opportunity to add value before they ask for money.
@Evanish I'm sure it will be a benefit when we have a tighter P/M Fit.
In the past, we've experienced a ton of noise when allowing people to kick the tires and it gets in the way of making good decisions on the product.
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