Javelin by Lean Startup Machine - All-in-one platform for building products people want
Javelin helps you test startup ideas with potential customers and gives you data to guide your decisions. Record and transcribe customer interviews, test landing pages, and use pre-designed surveys to analyze the most important feedback.
Stacks Accelerator
Hustle Crew Academy
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Stacks Accelerator
Trevor and Grace are well known experts in bringing products from idea to market. This software allows companies to leverage their knowledge and insights at scale.
I was an early beta user of this product and have worked with Trevor and Grace since 2012.
Looking forward to seeing the next generation of great ideas and business models that are developed now that Javelin has reached 1.0.
Pros:If you're looking for a low risk way to test new product innovations, Javelin gives you a framework designed by experts.
Cons:It will be even more powerful with lots of users. So sign up :)
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
The hardest part for any startup I've built or worked with is finding paying users and fully validating your idea. It's not enough to have some paying users if you have never explored other customer segments and their pain points. You may not be servicing the largest pain point and the largest potential customer segment. I can not stress how this issue of building product in the wrong direction is, it can turn a great team, and a decent product into a failure.
For me it took years until I went through the lean startup machine to see how focused product validation helps. It's the opportunity cost of building product and spending time on something people don't want that scares me the most.
Javelin is the combination startup lessons and failures into a working model for startups. The teachings are in almost every accelerator in the world and javelin is here to bring this to everyone for free.
It's not enough to know what you want to build. Your customers need to want your idea, and want to pay for it. I've see this problem over and over again. Pushing though our own ego lets you build the best version of the product. This process of pushing beyond what you think, in to what you know is what the Javelin process does. This is what lean means for a startup. Our best intentions can divert our focus away from the prize, away from cash flow. This is why I love this process and I know it will help many people all over the world.
Pros:Validating customers who love your product before you build or invest too much is invaluable. It's incredible that this is free to use now
Cons:Waited forever for something like this, so happy it's here.
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Sage Talk
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Stacks Accelerator
I've tried the previous iteration of Javelin and I didn't stick. I'm constantly doing interviews, and I really dig the new structured approach to formulate assumptions and interview directions.
Pros:It's like having a guide to help you fill out the assumptions you want to test
Cons:I have not gone through the entire interview cycle to have an informed opinion
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Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
I can't wait to see Javelin helping entrepreneurs globally!
Pros:Easy to use, FREE, well structured, great support
Cons:The only con I can think of is not having access earlier
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Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
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