Gustaf AlstrΓΆmer

Report Builder by Explo - Embedded report builder for your customers


Explo's new report builder provides your users with an interactive report builder to pull their own data. Embed our report builder and your users will be able to select the data they need, configure the report, and export the data.

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Andrew Chen
Hi Product Hunt! This is @_andrewchen, @austin_piel, @carlystanisic, @garymlin, and @rohan_varma1 and we’re excited to launch a new Explo product! Quick recap on Explo: Explo lets you easily build customer-facing dashboards. Connect directly to your database or warehouse, build custom-styled dashboards, and securely embed it into your web app within a day. A common request we've gotten from our customers is to provide an interface where their users select what data they're interested in, view the results, and export the data to share with colleagues or analyze further. That's why we've created our new report builder! Create your own report builder in Explo in 3 simple steps: 1. Connect Explo to your existing database 2. Write SQL to configure the data available for your users 3. Embed our report builder in your application Explo handles the database connection, filtering of data by customer/user, and is fully white-labeled. Your users will be able to use the embedded report builder to: 🎯 Select which data fields they're interested in πŸ—ƒοΈ Filter, sort, and format the report πŸ“‘ Export the report to PDFs, CSV, or share using our generated links We'd love to hear your feedback and learn how you currently share data with your customers!
Alexander Habovda
Great idea. Congratulations
Brian Li
Looks fantastic!
Sheikh Anon
Great Service Best of luck πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
David J. Phillips
Congrats on the team Explo! We love the report builder!!
Andrew Chen
@davj Thanks David! Appreciate the support!
Tejas Sangoi
Looks awesome. We could use this very much. Where can I find more information about pricing without registering or talking to a sales rep?
Andrew Chen
Hi @sangoitejas, thank you! We're not quite self-serve yet, so we do require a quick onboarding call with the team. If it's a good fit, we can get you set up day of! You can also expect us to launch our pricing page in a few weeks.
Christophe Rimann
Super excited - been using explo and loving it, really looking forward to trying this!
Matthieu Gavaudan
Happy Explo customer here, love the product - saves me hours every month. congrats on the launch!
Thea Mark
Great product idea!
Ali Ahmed
Love the design!! Team executes so well πŸš€ Congrats!
Andrew Chen
Thanks @ali_wetrill! Shoutout to our designer @carlystanisic
Trevion Cannon
Wow I'm impressed!
Christopher Chang
Congrats guys! Super useful product built by an awesome team.
Jan Brya
Wow,Curious about this
Sandra Beyonce
Great product!