Lorenzo 'kelset' Sciandra

Expo Sketch - Prototype and deploy React Native code faster than ever

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Lisa Dziuba
Good timing to launch your tool on Product Hunt! React Native becomes more and more popular as a great option for creating performant iOS & Android apps (and it's cheaper option). So you have made useful tool for people, who are interesting to try React Native framework. But the name of the tool is strange, because it sounds like "tool that make export from Sketch" or "something related to Sketch App". Also, you have a preview mode at the web-version, so I can see changes when I play with the code. Why to throw QR-code pop-up on me? I'm not ready to download from the 1st second after looking on the tool. Maybe, you also should add some About\Features\Feedback section on the website (check https://swift.sandbox.bluemix.net/). Good luck!
Charlie Cheever
@lisadziuba thanks for your thoughts!
Jesse Ruder
@lisadziuba We wanted to encourage people to use the mobile app since it has much better performance than web version. When we demoed this to people we got a much stronger reaction when they saw the phone version update so we thought we should prioritize that.
Jesse Ruder
@lisadziuba It's great feedback! We're thinking about how to make the QR less aggressive.
Timo Lins
Awesome idea and great execution. It couldn't be easier to get an up and running cross-platform app. Would be cool to share your current sketch via a link, so co-workers don't have to scan the QR code. Still a great product, though! πŸ™Œ
Charlie Cheever
@timolins you can hit "save" and then copy the URL and send it to someone!
Jesse Ruder
@timolins Once you save the page will have an "Open on Expo" button on mobile. It's works but it's not ideal - agree we need to think about that case.
Fazle Rahman
This is wonderful... We're making Hashnode's app using Expo. Congrats team! 🍻
Jesse Ruder
@fazlerocks Thanks for the kind words!
Michael Paris
This is straight up awesome. How long until I can import other npm modules? I have so many ideas for where this could go!
Charlie Cheever
@michael_paris you can include the modules listed on our blogpost about it now. We'll probably add a few more to that list. And maybe one day figure out how to add arbitrary modules but no timeline for that yet.
Jesse Ruder
@michael_paris We've had a lot of requests for this. A lot of library authors want to use Sketch to demo their libraries. Don't have a timeline but it definitely moved up our priority list.
Michael Kazmier
I've been watching expo(nent) for the last year. While it does 95% of what most developers need, we have to be able to extend with native modules for iOS and Android for the other 5% in order to be the Go To tool for cross platform development. Otherwise I need to stick with straight ReactNative or Appcelerator Titanium.
Charlie Cheever
@kaztopia you can use ExpoKit to write your own native code now when you need to! Check our docs. There's basically no reason to not use Expo anymore.
Michael Kazmier
@notbrent @ccheever okay, that is pretty cool. I am not completely clear in how to use the expokit with a reactnative module but I'm sure it'll work. Thank you, this is pretty slick!!
Andrey Lukin
This is amazing! Really want to learn ReactJS now!
Charlie Cheever
@andrey_lukin awesome! Hope this helps you learn :)
Joshua Pinter
@andrey_lukin You really should. It's changed my entire outlook on mobile development. It has its issues, of course, but it's almost fun to do things now, *and* make them cross-platform.
Andrey Lukin
@joshuapinter How did you start with mobile development and how did you transition to React Native?
Joshua Pinter
@andrey_lukin Android (for www.cntr.al) -> Learn React Native -> Made www.ntwrkapp.com as a side project.
Pushpendra Agrawal
looks amazing...just need to add more readymade functions
Charlie Cheever
@pushpendraw we will! Let us know if you have specific ideas.
Nik Graf
This is really cool! πŸ‘
Jeremy Gollehon
These Expo guys are the best. Another amazing product from a baddass team.
Pat Khunachak
This is insane!
Guntram Bechtold
Awesome thing
Jesse Ruder
Here's a repo with some examples: https://github.com/Dorian/sketch...
Will Wright
This is awesome! πŸ™ŒπŸ»
Vivek Raghunathan
This is incredible! We are going to make our app using Expo.
Hussein shtia
Tune Support
This is great. Highly recommended