facebook analytics
Easily track your growth, engagement, and monetization.
Jonathon Colman (he/him)
Facebook Analytics for Apps β€” Improved cross-platform analytics for websites and bots

Jonathon Colman (he/him)
Hey everyone! The Facebook Analytics team is excited to bring improved cross-platform analytics capabilities for websites and Messenger bots. With this update, you'll be able to easily segment people who visit your website by traffic source, such as search and social, to see how they progress through your product flows. In addition, if you have a Messenger bot that's used across multiple Facebook Pages, you can now view your bot's performance by Page. Would love Product Hunt's feedback!
Francis Kim
πŸ‘Œ Great job! Added to: https://www.producthunt.com/@fra...
Sridharan Vr
Awesome additions to "Messenger Bot" & "Web" Analytics features from Facebook..
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