Jonathon Colman (he/him)

Facebook Analytics for Messenger Bots - All the data you want, no code required.

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Jonathon Colman (he/him)
Hey there! I work on UX design and content for Facebook Analytics for Apps. We're excited to launch support for Messenger Bot analytics so that you can understand your customers' complete journey across your apps and websites as well as how they interact w/ Messenger bots. Our new support for Messenger Bots builds on our deep demographics, powerful analytics tools, and push notification campaigns (to name a few other key features)—all free of charge. Would love Product Hunt's feedback!
Danny Freed
Great to see some official Facebook support! Couple of questions: 1) Is this retroactive? I am only seeing data as of 11/11 2) How is "stickiness" measured. Love the simplicity that the metric implies, but it's crucial to know the underlying way this is actually measured.
Sridharan Vr
@dannyfreed 1) This is not retroactive. You'll see data starting from 11/11. 2) Stickiness is calculated by dividing daily active users by monthly active users. You can use this to understand what percentage of your monthly active users use your app or website every day. For example, if the stickiness for this event is 25%, then an average user was active on 7 out of 28 days. Conveniently, many of the explanations for the metrics are available when you click on the "i" icon.
Ryan Hoover
We've seen a few of bot analytics startups and tools lately. Conversational UX is very different than typical GUI-based websites or apps, introducing very different ways of measuring engagement. How are you adapting Analytics as new "design patterns" and industry standards emerge, @jcolman?
Jonathon Colman (he/him)
@rrhoover What's great about Analytics is that we're building a tool that's flexible and scalable for all of the platforms your customers are on: native apps, web, mobile web, and now Messenger bots. Our goal is to give you as complete of a picture of your customer journey as we can so that you can make more data-driven decisions about how to grow your business. In the case of Messenger bots, we can show you what actions groups of people take when interacting with your bot, such as messages and responses sent, blocking/unblocking, and more. You can also see aggregated, anonymous demographics, set up funnels to measure conversion, analyze interactions by cohort, and a lot more. People building bots can use this data to improve their customer service and experience and grow their business.
Rahul Ramchand
And we can set up FB ads?
Sridharan Vr
@rahulr047 : Absolutely! You can go to "Percentiles" section, where you'd be create custom audiences based on the activity and target them with ads.
Rahul Ramchand
@sridharan_vr I am unable add the analytics to Chatfuel bots. Any idea? I think it because it is not an app.
Sridharan Vr
@rahulr047 Is your bot a "Facebook" Messenger bot? If so, you'd have an app ID associated with it. Try
Rahul Ramchand
@sridharan_vr Yup! When I have to add an app it shows bots I have made on Motion.AI but not the ones with Chatfuel.
Sridharan Vr
@rahulr047 We do require an App ID to get the Analytics for the app. Did you link your bot through an AppId in chatfuel?
Hi @jcolman, it's great to see Facebook's effort to become the house of bots! Is this launch only specific to certain areas? I am just seeing my apps in my dashboard, no bots yet =(
Jonathon Colman (he/him)
Thanks @nicoteiz! Analytics for Messenger bots should be available to everyone. See for help with viewing analytics for your Messenger bot. A key step will be adding the app ID for your Messenger bot. Once that's done, you should be able to go to your Facebook Analytics for Apps dashboard ( ), select your app from the menu, and navigate to the Events tab.
@jcolman I built my bot with a visual builder, and apparently I have no way of extracting this app ID. Is there a way to see these stats from the facebook page admin directly?
Sridharan Vr
@nicoteiz @jcolman You do need the App ID to see the analytics. This is not available from the Page Admin.
David Iwanow
Great to see analytics platforms coming quickly to support this as often it takes way too long before businesses can start to measure what the hell they are doing on social properly. Great work!
Corey O
Great to see analytics being developed further for Messenger. It'd be great to see more information on the bot "Welcome Screen" in order to complete a true and full top of the funnel analysis.
Sridharan Vr
@coreyo Thanks for the feedback. You can check out the Help center videos + information to get more info:
Giacomo Lawrance
Looks awesome! Will save it for when I get my bot up and running. ;)
Thank you Facebook! I've been praying for this
Dmytro Krasiuk
good project
Christine Periera
Cool Facebook support. especially for companies promoted in Facebook
I have been waiting for this kind of app.
Great to see this app.
Bartosz Baziński
As a startup owner using and building bots - Thank you!