Scott Stephens

Facebook Messenger - Facebook's standalone Messenger for the web


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Ryan Hoover
There have been a few third party Facebook messenger clients built for the Mac and Chrome (Goofy, Chat Heads, Faces). It's interesting to see Facebook continue to split functionality out of its proper apps/website. I wonder if we'll see a Facebook Photos apps for the web soon. Here's what my Messenger looks like right now:
Catherine Trestini
@rrhoover Ryan how did you get this screenshot? I am not seeing where I can sign up for Facebook for the web yet.
Catherine Trestini
@rrhoover @rubencodes The screenshot appears to be on chrome, but the Get it button brings me to their website, where I can only download it on iPhone/iPad/Android. *scratches head*
David Bauer
@rrhoover @rubencodes @cattrestini This seems to be connected to the browser's language default. Messenger currently only works if your browser language is set to English.
Catherine Trestini
@rrhoover @rubencodes @davidbauer Yep also it was down for a little yesterday but it's back up now, so my problem is fixed on my end. Hope it's working for you too now, Ruben.
Greg Barbosa
Combine this with Fluid ( and you got yourself a pretty nice Mac app.
Martin Schurrer
@gregbarbosa Was my first thought too, but Fluid's early & proprietary Desktop Notifications don't seem to work with Messenger
Zac Coffman-Magaha
@gregbarbosa @msch This is something I just realized. Mainly the fact that they can't enable the Desktop Notifications from within Settings.
Sam Ayres
@arunsathiya Not official nor fully native, but it's the best we have for now, most are mac but messenger for desktop supports windows/linux/mac.
@sam_ayres Yes, I am aware of Caprine and have been using it for a while. Thanks for sharing the other links!
Andreas Klinger
That's interesting What's the goal/strategy behind this? - Cheaper support for "odd devices" - Create an email like habit? - Have more space for upcoming interaction apps? (as in groups replace newsfeed)
Anton Troynikov
@andreasklinger This is Facebook going deeper on making Messenger a true platform. Line and WeChat are existential threats, and Facebook needs to get ahead of them in the west.
Anton Troynikov
@andreasklinger The other one that's huge and not a lot of people are talking about is spinning groups off into its own app as well: Then they slapped a 'sell' button on that too. This is a space I'm super interested in, to the extent I've started to prototype ecommerce tools targetting these platforms.
@andreasklinger I've been following the behaviour of popular selling groups for the past year and can see a trend in individuals doing there best to bypass "extortionate" fees such as ebays. Facebook could do some real damage to eBay with the right strategy. I'm looking forwards to seeing what you build Anton!
Braden Hamm
I don't know if I'll start using this on the web, but I have definitely started using Messenger a lot more since it split out into it's own app. I use iMessage a lot on my computer when I'm at work, so maybe a dedicated Mac app would be a better fit?
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
This should definitely get a dedicated Mac app
Romain Etchegoyhen
Is this only for U.S. ? In France the website shows buttons to download the app on iOS / Android / Windows Phone instead of the login form. Here's what I have btw :
Bartek Nowakowski
distraction-free most useful FB feature!
Gigi Tsui
This is great. Obviously it's bad news for third party fb messenger apps but Facebook obviously wants to control the experience. I guess the next web update would include 3rd party apps within the Messenger platform. Don't know about everyone else but I prefer this unbundling approach, as I sometimes only want chat but no Facebook for distraction :). For reference, I have friends who only have fb messenger (and possibly Facebook Groups) on their phones but no Facebook. My only caveat is WhatsApp web has kinda replaced my fb messenger so I would love to know how they'll solve/differentiate between the two products.
Tim Johnsen
This looks a lot like their iPad app, and a lot like an iOS app in general. Wonder if there's more "webby" design principles it should embrace.
Will Imholte
@timonus It looks a lot like a direct copy of the iCloud web-apps, which of course are 'inspired' by the iOS version. I reloaded the page with my user agent set to Windows/Chrome and the design as the same (I guess I was half expecting it to switch to a more windowsy design). Anyway, it looks at home on the web/my computer to me. The responsive elements seem smart to me. Most interestingly, the Info panel defaulted to on in my window, and as I scaled the window down it disappeared when appropriate. If I hit the info button at that point it overlayed on top of the chat. If I increased the window size it stuck around, then if I decreased it again it continued to overlay ontop of the chat. Smart!
Zac Davies
Looks like it's down already unfortunately. Seeing this myself atm.
Blake Robinson
Finally! I hated needing to be in Facebook proper to use Messenger on desktop.

I love Facebook Messenger and I love how it is doing everything to take on all other chat apps + is feature-packed like Telegram. Native apps for Facebook Messenger on computers is something that I wish to see soon.


Facebook Messenger is rich and feature-packed. Plus, everyone is on Facebook.


They could make a native Facebook Messenger app for computers, maybe. Like how Telegram does.

Matthew Berman
Wow this is great. Facebook is definitely making a push to keep up with WeChat, Line etc. Love the simplistic design and looks extremely similar to our (coming soon) redesign.
Lewis Bertolucci
Definitely strengthens Facebook's announcement about making Messenger a Platform. Desktop is interesting... call me crazy, but a Facebook OS isn't far off or a deep integration w/ productivity applications. The current set of integrated apps w/ Messenger (JibJab, Giphy) seem very targeted towards the younger generation where they're more 'one to few (i.e. Snapchat)' as to 'broadcast to many'. Seniors are the fastest growing demo on social media and heavily use desktop as well... it'll be interesting, indeed. I'm researching the ability to integrate Messenger into an app I'm hoping to launch here soon (online mobile marketplace, couple ppl have Hunted similar apps) to enable messaging + payments.
Andy Davis
I finally like FB Messenger. Prior to this, whenever someone msg'd me on there I'd ask them 'why are u messenging me here?' then move the convo to whatsapp started convos there. feels light. i like it. that said, it's probably bcos i always use whatsapp web
Nicholas Putz
I don't like this for some reason.
David Quiñones
Does it have native notifications? I was using Goofy and works pretty well.
Stefan KP
A page worth pinning in chrome.
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
I wish (and other chat clients) would add this little feature: When you click somewhere in the message stream I want the text input field to get the focus. The most likely action apart from scrolling through the history is to add new messages to the thread so I think it makes sense to assume a 'click' onto the message stream is interpreted as intent to write a message especially as it is not conflicting with other potential use cases. Slack got this right. I think the Mac client for HipChat also supports this use case by now but I always find it irritating when chat clients don't behave like this.
Dylan Fox
This is really useful as a Windows user who doesn't have an iMessage desktop app to chat w/ friends throughout the day. Having to pickup my phone to chat on messenger/iMessage is distracting; same goes for having to login to Facebook to keep up a discussion on desktop. Love how distraction-free this is as a communication tool on desktop.