Thomas Schranz ⛄️

Facebook Messenger: Desktop - Group video calls and chats

Now more than ever, people are using technology to stay in touch with the people they care about, even when physically apart. Over the past month, we saw more than a 100% increase in people using their desktop browser for audio & video calling on Messenger.

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Will Wright
So… Because of privacy concerns around Zoom sending video chat information to Facebook, people should switch to Facebook's video chat platform instead? 🤔
Oliver Gasser
@williamwright yes, that speeds up data transmission by bypassing an intermediate data collector :-))
Paul Eiche
It's laughable that Facebook is touting their answer to Zoom as being more privacy-minded.
Alexander Alvarado
Will it have a unique link that other users can click into?
Alexander Alvarado
Many people are now doing virtual events and having a link is essential for people to just join. If they have that, I think people would easily move from Zoom or others.
Colby Fayock
@alexander_e_alvarado aren't people wanting to move away from Zoom partially due to them sending data to Facebook? now Facebook will just have all of it and probably more without the middleman
Ryan Hoover
Somehow I completely missed this announcement.
Joshua Talley
Google is missing a prime opportunity to fulfill the promise to make Meet & Chat available to consumers here. Aside from that, FB Messenger is the only platform my parents reliably use, so I am kinda stuck being there. Maybe I should just buy them iPhones so we can use facetime instead.
Iulian Danciu
It's identical with Why would you even...?
Why doesn't Facebook just leverage its whatsapp's group video call
Konstantin Galkin
i like this idea
Dani Panus
It only took them like 10 years to do it.. Not sure I feel like switching from Caprine, which has been working perfectly!
Sean D. Emory
This is pretty good and adds the layer of social that I do think Zoom is missing.
Justin Regis
Agree with @webchun - WhatsApp is actually pretty good for group video.