@nivo0o0 how many people get rejected from a job because of their Facebook activity after this?!
"I'm sorry, we could overlook the silly memes, videos etc but the memories you share make you look like a trainwreck of a person to be around"
@bentossell@gabriel__lewis@nivo0o0 Not necessarily... the reality is that for MOST people [i.e. read that to mean 95%+] are NOT putting up a 'real' version of themselves and most Recruiters are aware of that...
Recruiters will get more a sense of political views, a person's reaction to current events etc than anything else... do I think that's an issue - for me no, but it could be for some...
If you think that's a problem, check out what Facebook can figure out about you in a few hours/days with Data Selfie [https://www.producthunt.com/post...]... now that's really scary.
@gabriel__lewis@sean_murphy Every couple of months I get emailed to try their premium service again so I get those precious 3 in-mails for free and then cancel it as quick as I can to avoid the $10 per in-mail charge :)
@joshconstine covered this release in TechCrunch: Facebook’s new job opening posts poach business from LinkedIn
You can access the jobs page here or the jobs bookmark
Facebook audience is HUGE - even compared to Linkedins 400M+ user base.
Will be interesting if Facebook can become a big player here. 2/3 job seekers are already employed so it will be interesting to see if users coming across a job from brands they follow on Facebook etc will be a big factor in the space. (parts covered by Josh in the article)
@bentossell 10x for the fix.
It would be interesting to see how people will react to this in regard of privacy concerns. It's no secret employees look at Facebook profiles of potential candidates anyway!
Another attempt at Facebook to court professionals. I just don't see it happening, especially now that we're all politically polarized. What are the chances that your potential employer will agree with all your political likes and shares?
@imdaeshawn Thanks man, the jobs market game is going hot in 2017! :) The thing is FB is targeting way wider audience than Linkedin. From store owners to t-shirt shops to startups, all is possible as they have way wider reach than anyone else!
@idmtr I don't think this is initially a comparison against LinkedIn. Instead, it sounds much more like a "Freelance" / "Service industry job" application opportunity... Closer to Indeed and Monster.
What I imagine this will be great for is small biz who don't want to use LinkedIn to attract entry level employees...
@cancom10 FB can work for everything, but especially for small biz owners yes. +the platform is way more liked/usabe design wise than LinkedIn, who are trying to break into the freelance gigs with their ProFinder product: https://www.linkedin.com/profinder
Honestly, I'm skeptic about this. There needs to be difference from what's private and what's business. Companies can easily form blacklists and share them with each other with or without malicious intent. Personally I think that person needs to have its personal profile separated from professional. Freedom of thought and expression needs to stay free.
Facebook is rolling out the new jobs feature to challenge Linkedin in the job ads market. Now Facebook page owners can submit job ads and people can apply directly through the platform.
Between LinkedIn, Indeed and now Facebook (among many others), I wouldn't hate to see a single source of truth for all resume / career related information.
@cancom10 and @chadwhitaker were right on.
I think the use case is far more likely to be what people would put up in Craigslist. Everyday, local businesses are looking for new applicants, but only know to announce their openings with a sign on the frontdoor or an ad in Craigslist. I think this will end up getting used a TON, and I even think people will get higher quality applicants than competitors.
Interesting move after Facebook launched their Marketplace feature and putting it front and center in the app.
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