Connect with friends and the world around you on Facebook.
Eric Willis
Workplace by Facebook — Connect everyone in your company and turn ideas into action

Launching soon!
I would rather be dead than use FB for work
Ouriel Ohayon
one of the biggest seller vs slack: intercompany collaboration. slack forces you to internal only (for now)
Nigel Burke
I think the familiarity people already have with facebook UI will be one of it's big advantages over Slack. I heard one person say Slack will be used by Tech people and workplace by the rest of the world. The main difficulty I have seen so far is people not being comfortable with the segregation of work and private profiles, will be interesting to see what happens there. Also it will be interesting to see if Facebook opens up this platform to chatbots. If so there could be a massive opportunity here. For example a bot could keep a record of who’s in the office, which meetings they are attending (with a tie-in to Outlook or Google Calendar), who’s attending a conference, or if anyone has important milestones coming up. Similarly bots could be used for HR management. For example something like https://www.producthunt.com/tech... for new employee onboarding
Lewis Lin
Yammer copied FB and that didn't work. Now Workplace copies Yammer; that won't work either.
Eric Willis
Workplace is now open to the public after 20 months of being in beta. It's enterprise-focused messaging and social networking for businesses.
Stowe Boyd
@erictwillis They say it's 'open' but when you sign up that ask all sorts of questions about company size etc., and you then hit the 'apply' key. Here's the blurbage 'We're making Workplace available to companies around the world. Enter your details and we'll be in touch soon. Our sales team will work with you to understand your needs and help launch Workplace across your organisation.' UK english, too.
Hoan Do
@stoweboyd @erictwillis They don't want trash sign up. But they need a demo account so we could test the feature. I think guys at Workplace still not optimize the landing page and onboarding for new sign up.
@stoweboyd @erictwillis Found this a bit annoying - with a bunch of splashy announcements and a price point that is about as mass market as it gets, they're still going to have a salesforce-style hard human sell. Those little details I feel are why Slack will win.
Some Guy
Eh. Seems like just another "me too" play by Facebook. The design is too similar to regular Facebook and users won't be able to remove the mental connection between the two. Looks like a glorified FB group with business-y beige background.
✎ Andrew Warner
Does having your coworkers one-click away from your weekend photos seem a little too invasive?
Zee M Kane
Convo (http://convo.com) deserves a shout out here. Been using it for years and though it could be with a touch of Slack's 'fun' elements it's been invaluable to my productivity and communication running a number of remote teams.
Simon Bromberg
Pricing hard to understand: So it's only $1 / month if you have over 10,000 MAUs? EDIT: they added a little gray box that says "PRICING PER ACTIVE USER PER MONTH" .
✎ Andrew Warner
@shimmb i assume it's per user, but they really could be clearer.
Nicholas Sheriff
Just seems like Facebook is all out of "ideas" if they aren't copying or acquiring a company ( to do more copying ) they are shitting bricks. "Have you ever asked anybody what their favorite color is? I'm sure you have and it's not the most interesting question, but how many times do you say Beige? Never because it's one of the worst colors, it's hardly even a color. its like oatmeal or sand...it's Beige. It's bland, now productivity software around empowering people in a workplace environment to be energised lol Why in heavens name is beige used like this...were the engineers in thinking jail?"
Brad Kovach
So this is just white-label Facebook. This is a Yammer competitor, not a Slack competitor.
A cleaner and more usable version of Microsoft SharePoint? 😅
Kori Handy
Sounds like another place to cat GIFs and not do work.. when will people focus on productivity tools and making them better because they all suck. FB collecting more data to serve more ads...
Edwin Tofslie
I am curious to see the adoption due to cross profile use. Slack has the benefit of keeping your profile very isolated to a work only type of environment. The idea of mixing my personal facebook with a work facebook is very unsettling.
Edwin Tofslie
@hoandesign Thanks for clarification. I do think though that just the thought that they are both on Facebook (at first glance) in general, feels wrong for some reason. I can imagine this being a turn off for many people. Almost wish this was a completely separate product. Will check it out more and see if they intermingle at all.
Ben Tossell
Facebook vs Slack (#TeamSlack) This is the TechCrunch article of the announcement (I get that Slack is the easiest 'comparison' to make in this space where it isn't tackling the same thing) Here is Zuckerbergs post on it: https://www.facebook.com/zuck/po...
Joshua Talley
My company is on Office 365, and has invested heavily in Yammer. It took off in Europe, but has been mostly flat in the USA. Facebook would be a total no-go.
My company has been using this for the past couple of months and it's not my favorite.
Austin Sandmeyer
@ariella_cg What is the reason it's not your favorite? (if you don't mind me asking)
Abe Bahgat
thanks but our company is sticking to slack
Bill Lewis
Slack works too damn well, what's the point in changing?
Ryan Hoover
Looks like a better version of Yammer, very different from Slack despite people making the comparison.
@rrhoover Yammer never really worked for me. I'm also a little apprehensive about associating my facebook account (which is keep largely private for family and friends) to my identity at work.
Juan Jose Zevallos Coka
@rrhoover I thought it was like slack but reading your comment maybe we could use slack and Workplace at the same time.
erwin blom
@rrhoover Slack is communication for the tech savvy people, FB At Work will work for the rest of us ;-)
Steve Messer
@mountainmatt That would be the biggest turn-off for me, but I can see it working in other industries that rely on those bonds. Music promotion, for example.
Reony T
@rrhoover I don't see any similarities based on screenshots to be honest. Too distracting with the usual feed stuff too.